Questions tagged [gstreamer]

Questions related to GStreamer (also known as Gst), an open source multimedia framework, powering everything from linux servers and linux desktop systems to a host of embedded devices.

GStreamer is a library for constructing graphs of media-handling components. The applications it supports range from simple Ogg/Vorbis playback, audio/video streaming to complex audio (mixing) and video (non-linear editing) processing. Applications can take advantage of advances in codec and filter technology transparently. Developers can add new codecs and filters by writing a simple plugin with a clean, generic interface.

GStreamer has been ported to a wide range of operating systems, processors and compilers. These include but are not limited to Linux on x86, PPC and ARM using GCC. Solaris on x86 and SPARC using both GCC and Forte, MacOSX, Microsoft Windows using MS Visual Developer, IBM OS/400 and Symbian OS.

The up-to-date documentation for Gstreamer can be found here. Old documentation for the 0.10 versions of GStreamer can be found here.

Some basic tutorials can be found here.

4054 questions
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What settings can be used for live video for vp8enc in gstreamer?

I'm looking into using this element to encode live video, and in most cases, where the input video is relatively simple, it works fine. However for some of our scenes the encoder falls behind. (In particular we have a test scene with a bunch of…
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what exactly is the use of the gstreamer filter in Kurento Media Server

According to Kurento documentation: GstreamerFilter is a generic filter interface that allow use GStreamer filter in Kurento Media Pipelines. I was trying to find Gstreamer…
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1 answer

Converting raw audio to ogg with gstreamer

The following pipeline results in a 3kb .ogg file (I assume it's just an empty container): gst-launch-1.0 --gst-debug=3 filesrc location=test.raw ! 'audio/x-raw, format=S16LE, channels=1, rate=32000' ! audioconvert ! vorbisenc ! oggmux !…
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GStreamer appsrc to file example

I'd like to write audio buffers to file. The problem is that the file is always empty or the applicaition stops immediately with Internal data flow error. Examples…
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2 answers

Where do the pkg-config targets get defined?

When I perform the command pkg-config --variable pc_path pkg-config The output is /usr/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig However, there are two other pkgconfig directories on my system: /usr/lib/pkgconfig and /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig If I…
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Unity3D WebCamTexture from v4l2loopback and gstreamer

I't trying to access to a dummy v4l2 camera from Unity3D. The dummy camera is created with gstreamer gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width=640,height=480 !v4l2sink device=/dev/video1 and works when used…
2 answers

gstreamer ubuntu gscam How to separate my camra left and right images

This is my camera picture: My camera is special (Not a pure binocular camera), has one usb interface but two device numbersthe. device:/dev/video0 is about left and right camera images, device:/dev/video1 is the depth of the image combined with…
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Gstreamer Pause/Resume pipeline issue

I am using qt-gstreamer 1.2 with gstreamer 1.2.4 on nVidia TX1 running Ubuntu 14.04. I am having a pipeline with camera preview + recording + Ethernet Streaming + Wifi Streaming and i want to make pipeline dynamic. ex i can add/remove…
1 answer

GStreamer - Emit a signal to an element

I have a pipeline written into a C program which redirects a video stream from stdin to multiple UDP clients. I want those clients to be added or removed dynamically, so it's not possible to define at compile time which of them and how many there…
Iván Pérez
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Gstreamer pad creation with rtspsrc

I am trying to link audio and video bins using pads. But somehow I am getting errors like "internal data flow error, Reason not linked". I cannot find the reason I am getting this error with my application. Any help is appreciated. Please find…
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1 answer

GStreamer and URI query parameters extraction for each new client

I have created rtsp/h264/mjpeg server. It works well. But now I have to get query for each new connected client. For example I have to get requested resolution from client query: rtsp:// I have tryed…
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Gstreamer - Hardware accelerated video decoding on Android

I'm receiving on my Android mobile phone a video via RTP/UDP, but I've seen that CPU usage is very high, nearly 100% of one core is being used to decode the video. On high-end devices the video is played almost smoothly, but on middle and low-end…
Iván Pérez
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QT 5.7 video element freezing when device using high CPU or RAM

I'm playing with a video reel app that uses a qml video elements [1]. The app just loops through a list of video urls and then plays them, shuffling 3 video elements so that a user can jump forward or backwards by a single video at a time. This is…
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1 answer

Qt multimedia gstreamer errors

I just upgraded too ubuntu 16.10, and now I am having some problems with QtMultimedia 5.7. I am getting the following errors when trying to access camera from qml. (main:8542): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance (main:8542):…
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1 answer

Convert gstreamer command to C code

I have a basic gstreamer command for playing audio stream received from network: gst-launch-1.0 tcpserversrc host= port=5000 ! decodebin ! audioconvert ! alsasink I tried to convert it to a C program, but when I'm running it I get…
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