Questions tagged [grouped-table]

74 questions
1 answer

Section on top of section iphone table

I am building a sectioned table, and it is showing up with what looks to be a section on top of a section. You can see on the image that there is a white line under each section. The image Here is the code I have to build the table: -…
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IOS8 UiTableViewController grouped tableView like iOS6 style wrong left right margin

i found this guide for make grouped table view with iOS6 style: ios7 grouped rounded tableview but if i apply this code in UITableViewController i have a wrong lateral margins to view for my cells. i need use UiTableViewController instead of…
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Remove space before cells in Grouped uitableview

I am having UITableView which i selected tableview style as "Grouped". But I am having problem here that it is showing some empty space on the top of table view and at the end of the tableview. For this i used the below code: [_tableView…
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2 answers

iPhone: Grouped tables and navigation controller issues

I've set up a grouped table on my app, and pushing to new views works fine. Except for one thing. The titles and stack layout are all weird. Here's the breakdown: I have two sections in my table. When I tap on the first row in the first section, it…
2 answers

UITableView from storyboard - init with UITableViewStyleGrouped

How do you initialize a UITableViewController to have UITableViewStyleGrouped when it is created in a storyboard? Normally I would create a grouped table view like this: - (id)initWithStyle:(UITableViewStyle)style { self = [super initWithStyle:…
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Make a UITableView that is not 100% width

I would like to make a grouped UITableView where the cells are not 100% width, this is because I want to show the background, and each cell will have rounded corners. Sort of like this; However, I'm not sure how to do this using Storyboard; or is…
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grouped style not working for UITableView

I have a split view app, created by adding a Split View Controller to a storyboard. I have a table view that is supposed to be grouped, with the rounded corners and gray background, but it's showing up plain style. I initialize the view in the app…
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Changing text color upon selection of a specific cell/row in a UITableView on Iphone?

I have a simple grouped UITableView fed from a couple of arrays. Changing the selected text color is no issue, using the cell.selectedTextColor method. But this results in the same color being applied no matter which cell I select. I would, for…
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iPhone -- customizing a grouped table view in Interface Builder

I am writing an iPhone app. According to the design, it is supposed to contain a lot of grouped table views. In these views, the rows are frequently not similar to each other. For example, on one screen, one row is the name of a task, another is…
William Jockusch
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Determine next auto increment value on a grouped AUTO_INCREMENT column

I have beneath TABLE and it's working fine when adding a record CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `certificates` ( `certyearmonth` varchar(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `certmonthnumber` mediumint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `stockid`…
1 answer

LongListSelector with custom Grouping in VB

So I'm working on WP8 app and I'm trying to figure out to get my LongListSelector to show custom groups. Basically what I have is a section where messages will be displayed but messages can be generated from 2 different places in the web application…
Sal Aldana
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How to Group UITableView cells

I am trying to make a tableview with cells split into sections with uitableview grouped. I have looked around and found out how to split it into sections though I am stuck on making them appear in groups like they should instead of three groups with…
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iOS: Grouped UITableView issue

When I try to change the table view style from Plain to Grouped in the attribute inspector and then build, it gives me the following error message: Uncategorized could not read archive. So what's the problem?
Mohamed Salem
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Pushing View Controllers in UITableViewController Grouped

So, i have 3 section like i said in my previous question, "A", "B", "C", for example. This is the code i'm using: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { switch (indexPath.row) { …
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