Questions tagged [grayscale]

For questions regarding Grayscale, a Bootstrap theme.

890 questions
1 answer

How to convert this code to show gray intensity instead of RGB

I would like to know how to convert this code to show gray intensity instead of RGB. import cv2 import numpy as np def mouseRGB(event,x,y,flags,param): if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: colorsB = frame[y,x,0] colorsG =…
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how to convert many images at once to greyscale in python

I have a file where there are 600 images, I want to convert them at once to greyscale images = [cv2.imread(file) for file in glob.glob("/Users/ad/Desktop/theimages/*.png")] images_grey=[] for i in range [0,600]: images_grey.append…
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HALCON min_mas_grey()

Can someone explain what the percent parameter is for on the min_mas_grey() operator in Halcon? min_max_gray(Regions, Image : : Percent : Min, Max, Range)
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How to convert pixel data to grayscale image in java?

I 've gray pixels but don't know to create gray scale image
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How can I properly convert image to gray scale in opencv

I want to find contours on the image below (white bubbles). The problem is that when I convert the image to gray with the standard way: gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) I do not see them (second image). Is it possible to change the…
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Coloring a grayscale 16 bit image

i would like to color some pixels of a 16 bits grayscale image(whose maximum value is 850). First, I transformed it to a 3d stack (I) then i passed a color to it but the image don't appear in a good way. I = np.dstack([image, image, image]) …
Rabih Assaf
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How to create a grayscale image using java

can anyone help me and tell me how to create a gray scale image where one pixel of the image is shown as a square with the size 2 x 2? I already searched for help and found this how to create a gray scale image from pixel values using java but i…
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Photoshop luminosity histograms

I have a grayscale image and I am measuring the luminosity with Photoshop luminosity histograms. However, I would like to know which measurement unit Photoshop uses (e.g. candela per meter square, lux, etc.). I'm new to Photoshop and I did have a…
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Matlab grayscale after using step function

I'm using step function to read frames from a video (using vision.VideoFileReader), the image result is a Bayer one and three dimensions, the problem is that I can't move from Bayer to grayscale using 'demosaic' function. The image that I obtained…
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Convert colour image to grayscale image using Android OpenCV

I need to convert a colour image to grayscale using Android OpenCV. And I need to show the grayscale image in ImageView. My sample image in drawable folder give me simple code. I have already installed and configured SDK, NDK, OpenCV, and…
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Converting RGB images to grayscale

I'm new on programming. I'm a student in a univesity. Is it possible to use visual studio for converting RGB images to grayscale with C#? There is a specific folder that includes RGB jpeg images and every day it has new jpg files too. I need to make…
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1 answer

Images to turn from grayscale to color one by one

I have 5 images placed in a div, the images are color but I want them to all be grayscaled firstly and then the first 3 to slowly fade into color one by one after the page loads. I've tried to achieve this using various jquery scripts like jQuery…
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Converting a grayscale image to black and white

I have a grayscale image that only has the values 60 and 117. How can I convert the image to only black and white without graylevels? I tried the matlab function gray2ind, but didn't get the expected output. Thanks.
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grayscale a ROI of a BGR image

I am stuck with a little problem with OpenCV. I am able to draw a rectangle on my webcam's capture in order to draw a ROI. I would like to know if it is possible to grayscale this part of the frame. I tried many different ways to do it, but I still…
kevin labille
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2 answers

Clean background color in images with text with CV2

I'm trying to process images that have bloc of text in rectangle with colored background. See below original picture - I would need all text and numbers in black and all background in white to make it easier to read text. I'm thinking about having a…
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