Questions tagged [graphql-codegen]

59 questions
0 answers

Rename types with graphql-codegen

I'm working on a legacy codebase where, in our GraphQL schema, an interface was defined as 'Subscription': interface Subscription { fieldOne: String fieldTwo: String } type FirstSubscriptionType implements Subscription { …
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How to generate Typescript definitions from AppSync GraphQL schema if I am not using amplify?

I have my AppSync api set up using aws-cdk and am not using their amplify framework. I am trying to figure out how / if I can generate Typescript definitions from my AppSync schema.graphql file while not using amplify, i.e. no access to amplify…
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Are array types incorrect when generating React/Apollo hooks with graphql-code-generator?

I am wondering if arrays defined in graphql queries/mutations, which can be either singletons or tuples in valid graphql implementation get converted to strict array types by graphql-codegen. Is this is by design ? Given this schema: schema { …
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Return incomplete shapes from resolver with GraphQL Code Generator

I use the following convention to let resolvers return partial data, and allow other resolvers complete the missing fields: type UserExtra { name: String! } type User { id: ID! email: String! extra: UserExtra! } type Query { user(id:…
Fez Vrasta
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typescript error: ' ' only refers to a type, but is being used as a namespace here

I went through several similar questions but wasn't able to get anywhere in solving this. I was following along with a tutorial from 2019 and I'm having trouble figuring out the right way to do the same thing in 2020. Here's the line I'm getting an…
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React modal container pattern with typescript and graphQL

Spectrum uses specific pattern for modals which I would like to replicate with typescript, graphQL and graphQL-codegen generated hooks. Now what I currently have: GraphQL Client Schema enum ModalType { LOGIN, SIGNUP, } type LoginModalProps{ …
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Assigning a type to a property that is a nested type of a Maybe type

I'm trying to assign to a property a type generated by the graphql-codegen tool. The type I'm trying to assign is a nested type. Given the following type: type SomeType = { someKey: Maybe< { __typename?: "OtherType" | undefined } & {…
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Apollo client for angular: code generation from graphql files

I came to know about angular graphql code generator from here. I am trying to use it in my project to generate the graphql types and Query services for angular. My codegen.yml file looks like below. overwrite: true schema:…
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how to run amplify codegen in where codegen is already configured?

we have a project repo where backend team have added new apis. other developers have run and configured amplify and codegen. now I want to add these new queries and their types. when I run amplify codegen i get this error: Please download the…
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Using graphql-codegen enumValues with near-operation-file and typescript-react-apollo

Im using the following graphql-codegen config to generate typescript graphql code. First output includes all type definitions and resolver types (typescript - typescript-resolvers) Second output includes apollo hooks and operation types/codes which…
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Property does not exist on type in GraphQL query result

In the React component I use a GraphQL query to fetch data: const { data, error, loading } = useGetEmployeeQuery({ variables: { id: "a34c0d11-f51d-4a9b-ac7fd-bfb7cbffa" } }); On the data destructure const { first_name } =…
El Anonimo
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How to generate Graphql types for React with help of graphql-codegen when Apollo Server is in production mode?

When backend mode set to NODE_ENV: development all works perfectly, but in production mode graphql-codegen fails with error: Local web-server error: GraphQL introspection is not allowed by Apollo Server, but the query contained _schema or _type. To…
1 answer

Convert Maybe[]' to 'string[]

I am using graphql with generated types and struggling with how to convert them to the type I need to pass it to my data service calls. @graphql-codegen has given me an args type of export type QueryOrdersArgs = { ids:…
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How do I use graphql-code-generator with Hasura when they expect differently-named query roots?

The schemas emitted by Hasura group queries under a query_root type. But graphql-codegen expects them grouped under a type named Query. How do people bridge that gap?
Carl Patenaude Poulin
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GraphQL Code Generation React Hooks + Typescript (graphql-codegen)

We currently use graphql-codegen to generate React Hooks to query our GraphQL server. Given we currently have 2 endpoints, we do a Split like so: const endpoints = ApolloLink.split( operation => operation.getContext().serviceName ===…
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