Questions tagged [grads]

The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS)

The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is a system for analysis and visualisation of gridded data in Earth sciences.

38 questions
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The output of grad is None when I use the tensorflow 2.X to complete RNN combined with SVR

I am trying to get the grad from the tensorflow model but the output is always None. What am I doing wrong? Here is my code: def tran_model(): model = tf.keras.Sequential() model.add(layers.Dense(32)) model.add(layers.Dense(64)) …
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1 answer

Opening of Shapefile in Grads

I have shape file (abc.shp, abc.shx, abc.dbf) in my SampleDatasets folder. When I try to open this shapefile in Qgis it is opening well but when I call this shape file in Grads then it is not opening. please help me to use correct command. thanks in…
1 answer

Save Data to text in grads After the print command

In the grads software After importing the geopotential data, we use the print command to display the data on the page. Is there a way to save this displayed data as text? set gxout print Output Taking Geopotential Values to Text File sdfopen…
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Loop through multiple netcdf files

I would like to loop through multiple netcdf files in GrADS. The files run from May 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 named as: The function is to regrid the netcdf files to 0.17 degrees. How do I do this?
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open folder with ctl files in grads

can you i'm having trouble opening multiple ctl files in grads. The folder contains 20 ctl files and i'd like not to open them one by one. Unfortunately open pathfolder does not work. Any ideas please?
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Display user specified contour levels in GrADS

I would like to know how to display specific contour levels on the colorbar. For example, as shown in the schematic above taken from pivotalweather, shows a colorbar for precipitation values that are not really equally spaced. I would like to know…
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How to plot specific value in GrADS

I have found this link on plotting variable in GrADS and yes, the manual is poorly written. I want to plot values equal to zero only. Say I have anomaly from -10 to 10 and I want to extract and plot the contour of absolute zero only, how can I do…
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how to open 3 input files one by one without opening grads?

I have a some dat files which I have generated using java code. I have 3 different input files to show images in grads. I have written a .sh file which first executes my java program and then opens grads. Now to execute 3 files in grads, I write…
2 answers

Reading Through A List of Files, then Sending those Files via FTP

I am making weather model charts with the Grads scripting language, and I am using a bash script so I can use a while loop to download model data (in grib2 format) and call the grads scripts for each frame on the model run. Right now, I have a loop…
1 answer

Time Height Cross Section in GrADS

I am looking to generate a time-height cross section in GrADS, but need some help rolling in the right direction. My goal is to generate data from a specific lat/lon point I'll specify in the GrADS script. I intend to pull the grib2 files from…
E. Weglarz
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does GrADS have a "astd" (similarly to aave) command I could use?

I would like to have the spatial standard deviation for a variable (let's say temperature). in other words, does GrADS have a "astd" (similarly to aave) command I could use?
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How to overlay GRADS image into OpenLayers map

I need to overlay a GRADS image into an OpenLayers map, but they do not fit each another because some lands are not in the position even the lower-left and upper-right of the image are in the right place. I guess it is due to the projection…
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Reading .grd file in PHP

Found out GRD is a "gridded dataset file", but cannot see its contents using cat. I think it's in binary format, so it must be read in a different way. The problem is: only found examples in Fortran, R, MATLAB... I must convert the shell script…
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1 answer

GrADS Code Error

I am having trouble with this code in GrADS. The error kept saying that my two if statements were invalid. I reinstated some stars but it gave me a whole new error. "open NAM12Z0709.ctl" "set display color white" "clear" "set mpdset hires" "set…
1 answer

How to draw a square in GrADS?

I am looking for a command line that allows to draw a square in my plot in GrADS. Here is an example I would like to get a command line which allows me to draw a square like the one that I show on my picture example.
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