Questions tagged [google-voice-actions]

43 questions
1 answer

How can I help Google Assistant understand (not auto-correct) non-word inputs.

I'm making an app for the Google Home using the new Actions on Google functionality. Part of my app requires the user to input letter-number pairs such as "P7". However, when testing this with the voice input, Google autocorrects the text to…
0 answers

Custom actions for voice interaction on android

I am trying to make an application on Android that can interact with its user. And I came across this. The example in this link shows us that an interaction with the user can be done using the voice interaction service. My question is, can we add…
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App already published onto Google Play but unable to use Google Voice Actions

I am unable to successfully use the Google System Voice Actions "Search in App" ( on an app that I have already published onto Google Play (Private Channel) and downloaded onto my phone. The intent with…
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Android app crashes when filtering list via Google Voice Actions search action

I am having a problem filtering a list using JSON data parsed via Volley based on this tutorial, when the list is filtered via the Search in App intent in Google's System Voice Actions from the Google App. The exact problem encountered is listed…
1 answer

Custom entities in actionssdk

Working with google actionsSDK and trying to figure out how can I include custom entities in the action package. I found here manual: but this manual is…
Markus Berg
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How to access my Android Application from Google Voice Assistance

I am developing an android application, let's say it for an instance as "RemindMe". In this application, I set alarms specific to application level. They are not system alarms. My requirement is, after the opening of Google assistant (Ex: by saying…
2 answers

Android Voice Actions for Messaging

I'm​ developing a small messaging app on my own and I was wondering if there is a possibility to allow the user to send messages using the Google Assistant. (Like WhatsApp and Google Allo) Which API could I use to archive this?
0 answers

Custom voice Actions by Google ok

I wanted to implement google voice action,in which when user say "Set an Reminder", this action should done by my app. This part i already done. now how can i put different set of question that should ask by google and user should given…
Mukesh Gupta
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What does Google Now use to determine the App to search with?

The Google Documentation. I need to have my App called on searches in the style: search for cat videos on youtube How does Google Now determine which App should be called? Obviously, it takes youtube in the example case, but how is that used? The…
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Voice Actions Activity code not found

I'm working with adding Voice Actions to my app. Documentation tells me to use the method isVoiceInteraction() in an activity however every time I run a build (command line or IDE) I get errors saying the method can't be found. My question is,…
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How to Wake-Up Android App From Home Screen & perform some Action like Search

is it possible to wake-up our app using voice command from home screen or otherwise call some function of app from home screen without opening an app? For example, what if i say from my Home screen that "Hi App(name) Search (query)"... then it will…
0 answers

PortAudioError when using google voice assistant on raspberry pi zero w

I am using an Adafruit Voice Bonnet on a Raspberry Pi Zero W and trying to run Google Assistant on it. I've followed these steps to setup the Bonnet I've…
1 answer

Deleting back-end mp3 files on voice assistant

I am building a voice assistant using a tutorial.I am attaching the link below for reference Now in the function def assistant_speaks(output) I have made some changes. Now whenever the assistant speaks, a back-end mp3 file is generated. The files…
0 answers

How to integrate a website content on google assistant action?

I'm trying to integrate a website content (which is using structured data) to an action that i'm creating. It is going to be a recipe action, the assistant will ask the user which recipe he is looking for and the action is going to search from the…
0 answers

OK Google always auto-corrects my app name to other known names

I have an app called TLUS. If I trying using "OK GOOGLE OPEN TLUS", TLUS always gets auto-corrected to +, plus or close. How do I register "TLUS" as a valid app name? I have already tried the following on my manifest file `