Questions tagged [google-iam]

Cloud Identity and Access Management (Cloud IAM) enables you to create and manage permissions for Google Cloud Platform resources. Cloud IAM unifies access control for Cloud Platform services into a single system and presents a consistent set of operations.

411 questions
2 answers

gcloud builds submit fails while docker push + gcloud run deploy work just fine?

EDIT: The so called duplicate question was way off since 1. I could push another image and 2. I could not push a build image. Finally, point #3 is the solution was totally different and ONLY related to pushing build images via cloudbuild. ie. I…
1 answer

How to assign column-level restriction on BigQuery table in asia-east1 location

I want to restrict access to certain PII columns of my BigQuery tables. My tables are present in location: asia-east1. The BigQuery 'Policy Tag' feature can create policy tags for enforcing column restrictions only in 'US' and 'EU' regions. When I…
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1 answer

Compute Engine Linux Users and their relation to Service Accounts

I was just wondering how the service account of the compute engine and the Linux users inside these compute engine play together. If I log in a compute engine, I get a new Linux User with my Name. Does this user has the same permissions as my google…
1 answer

Google cloud: How to check project member's work in /home// folder?

I have created a project in Google Cloud and gave permissions for App Engine, Cloud SQL etc to a gmail ID. The user has developed some code in that project. How can I view the code he deployed in that App Engine app?
1 answer

Managed Service Provider on Google Cloud Platform

If a Managed Service Provider (MSP) wants to monitor existing GCP projects of a client that are associated to a client billing account ( meaning the client is directly paying to Google for it ) , how can the MSP start monitoring those ? What are the…
1 answer

Unable to give Billing Administrator role to my account in GCP

I would like to setup Budget and Alert for one of the client project. I think I have all the relevant roles like owner, project IAM admin, Organization admin but still I am unable to give/get Billing Administrator role Attached screenshot with list…
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