Questions tagged [google-cloud-speech]

Google Cloud Speech API enables developers to convert audio to text by applying powerful neural network models in an easy to use API

Google Cloud Speech API enables developers to convert audio to text by applying powerful neural network models in an easy to use API.

  • The API recognizes over 80 languages and variants, to support your global user base. You can transcribe the text of users dictating to an application’s microphone, enable command-and-control through voice, or transcribe audio files, among many other use cases.
  • Recognize audio uploaded in the request, and integrate with your audio storage on Google Cloud Storage, by using the same technology Google uses to power its own products.

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534 questions
1 answer

Why does my python script not recognize speech from audio file?

I have the following piece of code successfully recognizing short (less than 1 min) test audio file, but failing with recognition another long audiofile (1.5h). from import speech def run_quickstart(): speech_client =…
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Google SpeechToText API: no text in response from OGG Opus audio streaming

I'm using the SpeechToText API to get a speech transcription from a live microphone recording. This is working well with a simple LINEAR16 encoding but I need to reduce the bandwidth so I switched to an OGG Opus encoding. The audio is recorded and…
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Failed to detect whether we are running on Google Compute Engine

I am trying to use Google Cloud Speech recognition but I get this error I/omputeEngineCredentials: Failed to detect whether we are running on Google Compute Engine. W/System.err: The Application Default Credentials are not…
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Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API - permission error

I am attempting to set up Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API following these instructions - I have successfully followed steps 1-6 for setting up Google SDK and authenticating with service account…
1 answer

error in Request for Google Cloud Speech API request

I'm getting this error when I make my request to the Google Cloud Speech API: "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Request contains an invalid argument.", "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT My curl command looks like this: curl -s -k -H…
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Pycharm: set environment variable for google service account key (json credential)

I want to run the google cloud speech python sample in my pycharm. But encountered the ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError: The Application Default Credentials are not available. They are available if running in Google Compute Engine. Otherwise, the…
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google cloud speech api returning empty result

I have been using the Chromium Google Speech API and switched over to using the Google Cloud Speech API recently. Ever since the Google cloud speech API got announced, the performance seems to have degraded in terms of the accuracy of recognition. …
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Audio stream from cordova-plugin-audioinput to Google Speech API

For a cross-platform app project using Meteor framework, I'd like to record microphone inputs and extract speech thanks to Google Speech API Following Google documentation, I'm more specifically trying to build an audio stream to feed the Google…
1 answer

How to highlight filler words (Um, uh, ah) in transcript?

Is there a configuration in google cloud speech that allows me to see the filler words in the returned JSON transcript? Currently, it seems like the transcript returned by google cloud speech automatically filters out such words (uh, um, ah, like,…
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how to play .opus audio file in android?

I'm developing an app for Recognize speech using google cloud speech APi and recording audio simultaneously. git link I tried to play recorded .opus audio file getting IOException W/System.err: setDataSource failed. Any…
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Streaming microphone input to Google Speech API

I have looked into Google Cloud Speech API and got streaming my microphone working on a Node server. I was then wondering what would be best practice for streaming my microphone from a web frontend? Is it sending an audiostream from getUserMedia to…
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Google Cloud speech with React Native

I am trying to use Google Cloud Speech API so I can pass audio file and receive the translated text but I am stuck to the integration. I already have api key and everything needed but can't find how to use it from react native. In the documentation…
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use Google Application Default Credentials without json file

I have created a console app using c#. I used google cloud speech api. I followed this sample application to create the app. To authenticate speech api, I wrote the following code in main…
Amitava Karan
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Why Google Cloud Speech API doesn't transcript the whole audio file?

I'm trying to transcript a short interview audio file with Google Cloud Speech API (asynchronously) but it only transcribes the first half minute of the recording. I had several attempts with recordings longer than one minute and the results were…
5 answers

Google Cloud Speech: Distinguish Voices?

I am interested in writing a voice recognition application that is aware of multiple speakers. For example if Bill, Joe, and Jane are talking then the application could not only recognize sounds as text but also classify the results by speaker (say…
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