Questions tagged [google-cloud-iam]

Cloud Identity and Access Management (Cloud IAM) enables you to create and manage permissions for Google Cloud Platform resources. Cloud IAM unifies access control for Cloud Platform services into a single system and presents a consistent set of operations.

376 questions
1 answer

Permission 'cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToDecrypt' denied for resource ...key

I am building an http endpoint with Google Cloud Functions. I have an encrypted secret stored as a file that is loaded and decrypted in the function as a way to prevent my secret from being stored in the code. Usually I dynamically load something…
2 answers

SOLUTION: google cloud sdk issue: 'callers must accept terms of service'

Known issue: Installing google-cloud-sdk (linux package or from tarball) has a quirk where you cannot create projects from the command line before accepting the terms of service. Steps to reproduce: Download sdk, untar, move folder to home…
2 answers

You need permissions for this action. Required permission(s): resourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy

I checked the IAM & admin in the GCP console UI. I have two roles: (Company name) Project Owner and Editor. The member is my company email address. But when I try to edit(the edit button) other people's roles and permissions, I got below…
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Enable APIs using serviceusage API with a service account

I want to create an automatic deployment of GCP for clients. In order to do that, I have opened a page for them to login with google, and then enabled the IAM API and the Service Usage API. Then I have created a service account that I want to use…
2 answers

gcloud compute ssh with local key & project restrictions

We have a user that is allowed to SSH into an VM on the Google Cloud Platform. His key is added to the VM and he can SSH using gcloud compute ssh name-of-vm However connecting in this way will always have gcloud try to update project wide meta data…
Tom Lous
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Google Managed Services (BigQuery,Cloud Storage etc) via a VPC/VPN

We are planning to use Big Query and Cloud Storage but have questions regarding access via VPN/VPC. As Big Query, GCS are managed services is it correct to assume that it is not possible to restrict access to project level buckets and data sets to…
4 answers

Google cloud storage listing files in bucket requires permission for project owner

I'm currently using web UI to browse the files in one of the buckets and I happen to be the project owner as well. However I get a permission error You need the storage.objects.list permission to list objects in this bucket. Ask a project or…
2 answers

Google Cloud Service Account with 'roles/container.admin'

I am trying to create a Service Account with 'roles/container.admin' and i get an error saying that the role is not supported for this resource. $ gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding…
1 answer

Can I restrict access to a Google Cloud SQL instance to specific service account?

I have multiple environments in Google Compute Engine (dev, staging, and production), each with its own Google Cloud SQL instance. The instances connect via Cloud SQL Proxy and authenticate with a credential file that is tied to a service account. I…
1 answer

Cannot impersonate GCP ServiceAccount even after granting "Service Account Token Creator" role

I have 2 ServiceAccounts in my Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project owner executor The owner ServiceAccount has 1 project-wide role attached to it: "Owner" - for the project The executor ServiceAccount has ONLY 2 specific roles attached to it (as…
1 answer

Create an alias for a Google Service Account Email?

I've shared a Google Sheet with my Google Service account email, which looks something like: This permits my application to access that Google Sheet. I'd like to be able to share the Google…
1 answer

The caller does not have permission when attempting to use Google Cloud Storage within Cloud Run

I'm attempting to get a Node project setup on Google Cloud Run with Cloud Storage. I am running into an authentication issue when using a created Service Account. When creating the service account I did successfully download the JSON token and got…
2 answers

How to get all roles/permissions that a service account have for a project and organization in GCP through API

I have a service account which belongs to a project. It have some roles/permissions set at the project level as well as some roles/permissions set at organization level. I need to get list of all permissions/roles that the service account is…
Johnny Cage
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Limiting access of a GCP Cloud IAM custom role only to a bucket

AWS provides a way through its IAM policies to limit access from a particular user/role to a specific named resource. For example the following permission: { "Sid": "ThirdStatement", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ …
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Can't delete a Google Cloud Project

I have an old Google Cloud Project that i just can't delete. When I do it via website i get an "Project Service Unknown error Tracking number: 342342354345345345" When i do it via CLI with command: gcloud projects delete "PROJECT" I get an…
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