Questions tagged [git-status]

Shows which files in a Git repository have been modified and/or staged and what state they are in since the last commit

This is the main tool in to see the status of the files on the stage and what state they are in.

Running this command will tell you what tracked files have been added, deleted or modified since the last commit.

On a fresh repo or branch, you should see the following:

$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

See also


170 questions
3 answers

getting the changes in a unstaged file

When I run this command: $ git status Here is the result: /* red color - I haven't added them yet */ modified: inaccessible/dbh_conn.php modified: myweb/.idea/workspace.xml modified: myweb/application/search.php Now I need to see the changes…
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1 answer

git-status reports everything clean but git-pull complains about unstaged changes

Could somebody explain to me the following output? [user@ hostname /dir]% git status On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. It took 11.81 seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno' may speed it up, but you have to…
0 answers

Git status and distant repository

I have some git repositories and when I do git status I don't have the same message For a first repository I have (sorry in French) Sur la branche master Votre branche est à jour avec 'origin/master'. rien à valider, la copie de travail est…
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Git check when a file was modified

I use git status to check when a file was modified. But I want to know the exact date & time of the modification. Is there a command for that? I know I can use Finder to check the date and time of the Last Modified. But a command would be much…
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various git states, low-level understanding of git status (head, index, working states)

Imagine you have one tree with one file. Suppose we have only two possible states for this file, a, and b. If it's missing or not-existent, ø. I'm trying to build a table to understand all the possible git-statuses. I believe what I have makes…
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Can't unmodify files in git

When I merged with another branch, a few of my files became modified automatically. I tried to checkout -- on the files, but git status still shows them as modified. I then tried a custom shell function that normally fixes these kinds of problems…
Trevor Hickey
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2 answers

Unity files not being ignored properly by git

I'm working with Unity in a group, and because of what I've read in several places, we put the following lines into our .gitignore # =============== # # Unity generated # # ===============…
Cache Staheli
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2 answers

bash alias not working(open git status output files as vim tab)

I am trying to make this alias working: alias ciao="vim -p `git status --short | awk '{print $2}'; git show --pretty="format:" --name-only` Basically I would like to open every files, printed by git status, as vim tab. The command works properly…
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Why doesn't "git status" give me changed files in shared repo?

This has been asked before, but I'm still struggling with it. Here's my flow: # INIT REPOSITORY /path/git % mkdir test.git /path/git % cd test.git /path/git/test.git % git init --bare --shared Initialized empty shared Git repository in…
2 answers

git - how to show list of changed files relative to creation of current branch

I need to be able to see a list of files that have been modified in any way since creation of the current branch, whether committed or staged or just changed in the tree. My scenario is (chronologically) 1. clone branch master from remote…
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1 answer

Changed files check via Git

I have a Wordpress file tree (wp-admin,wp-content etc) from April 2016 with the .git folder locally on my PC. I have just downloaded the latest version of that file tree from my server and wish to see the difference between these folders. Is there a…
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1 answer

Is the full path required to unstage a file in GIT if am currenlty under a sub-directory?

Repo: mergetest $pwd /gitvobs/mergetest/apple $git status On branch br1 Changed but not updated: (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) **modified: inside** $git…
Senthil A Kumar
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Get changed filenames from git into list

I want to create a new file that contains the names of all the files that have been changed in a repository PRIOR to commit using batch, so I tried typing in: git status --porcelain>test.txt which it outputs the staged/unstaged/untracked files in…
Michel Jiang
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Git local changes / diff / JGIT

I'm stuck at the following problem: This is what I want: a git command, that I can use to show the 'US' changes it should work like status, (show what I did) in comparisation to the remote This is what I tried: git diff [in JGit -> diffentry]…
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2 answers

Determine if it is safe to delete a local git repository

I very often have have a development clone of a git repository on my laptop, on which I create feature-branches and such to implement features. When I'm half way there working on a feature, but need to work on something else in the same repository,…
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