Questions tagged [git-repo]

Repo is a tool built by Google that works on top of Git. Repo helps manage many Git repositories, uploads to a revision control system, and automates parts of the Android development workflow. Repo is not meant to replace Git, only to make it easier to work with Git in the context of Android. The repo command is an executable Python script that you can put anywhere in your path.

Repo is a tool built by Google that works on top of Git. Repo helps manage many Git repositories, uploads to a revision control system, and automates parts of the Android development workflow. Repo is not meant to replace Git, only to make it easier to work with Git in the context of Android. The repo command is an executable Python script that you can put anywhere in your path.

To work with the Android code, you will need to use both Git and Repo. In most situations, you can use Git instead of Repo, or mix Repo and Git commands to form complex commands. Using Repo for basic across-network operations will make your work much simpler, however.

See these documentation pages for more information:

65 questions
1 answer

repo upload without review (repo push function)

We use the git-repo tool in our project, but we don't use gerrit for code review. So far we used regular git commands to push our changes, but due to the growing amount of repos it would be cool to use the repo upload feature. repo upload requires a…
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Need to clone a GIT repository into remote server

I Need to clone a GIT repository into remote server via SSH. I have tried doing this in the traditional way, using git clone The above gave me fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make…
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1 answer

How to delete a git remote tag in linked repository?

I am having Development, Staging & Production repository. Cycle: Development --> Staging --> Production Development remote: origin Staging remote: Development & origin Production remote: Staging & origin is it possible to remove git tag from all…
0 answers

Is it possible to include a DOCTYPE reference to a DTD inside a Repo manifest XML file?

I have written a manifest XML file for repo (or git-repo, Gerrit Repo, Google's Repo depending on how you like to name it). To help check my syntax, I attempted to generate a Document Type Definition (DTD) file to go with it based on the repo…
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2 answers

use android repo tool with github or gitlab

I'm trying to mirror every android repo to my gitlab account. After I imported ALL of repositories, I tried to use git-repo (repo tool from google) to build android from source. I changed these line in my default.xml manifest:
1 answer

integrating vendor Android changes into aosp

I am trying to integrate AOSP device changes into a standard AOSP, local mirror. This is a bit confusing but I will try to be as clear as possible. I created a local mirror of the AOSP repo on a server (different local computer) The vendor patches…
2 answers

git-repo how to list all branches in one google repo?

is there any way to list all branches in google repo? I found it is very difficult to understand repo. Here only provide very few commands which does not not provide a list branch mechanism.
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2 answers

Creating a default manifest for git-repo

I'm trying to use git repo for my own project. I understand I have to create a default.xml file and using to link to all the repositories available but It's not clear how to do that. I tried creating a simple xml file and put in on a server. I also…
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2 answers

Unify branches of two local copies of same repository

I have two copies of same git repository locally. Those two copies have each their own local branches. Can I somehow "unify" those two repositories and create one which will have local branches from both of repositories?
Wakan Tanka
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Does clearing dangling objects in a git repository using gc --prune=now help in anyway?

I sometimes notice a large number of dangling objects in some GIT repositories. I have a primary-->mirror setup and i run the scheduled garbage collection only on the mirror repository everyday instead of auto.gc. So am not worried about loosing the…
Senthil A Kumar
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2 answers

Git - manage multiple projects under one repository

I've a projectA repository which has master branch and other feature branches gets merged into the master branch with pull requests. Now, we're going to start a new projectB which will have everything as same as projectA with few features turned off…
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2 answers

git cannot push an existing repository. 'remote-httpshttps' is not a git command

Failed to push existing git repository to remote. It did not happen before. I have tried install the last version of git but still fail to push. git push --set-upstream origin master git: 'remote-httpshttps' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
Mas Zero
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1 answer

Git Error: remote unpack failed: unable to create temporary object directory - While attempting to push to remote repository

While attempting to push to a remote repository I am receiving the following error Enumerating objects: 5, done. Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done. Delta compression using up to 40 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done. Writing objects:…
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1 answer

Unequivocally checkout a branch and get latest version in git from a script

I am creating a shell build script. I want it to be called like this: ./ REPONAME BRANCHNAME $REPONAME corresponds to a remote. I am assuming that the remote exists. $BRANCHNAME is a branch existing on $REPONAME. $BRANCHNAME may have never…
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1 answer

How to automatic change git repository domain on the clients when pull?

I have self-hosted Gitlab installation on a domain. And I need to move Gitlab instance to a different domain. Almost all another Gitlab data will be saved and migrated to a new location. Is there a solution to automatically and handless change git…
Vadim Rybalko
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