Questions tagged [getpixel]

GetPixel is a Windows GDI API function which retrieves the RGB color value of the pixel at a specific coordinates.

187 questions
1 answer

COLORREF as RGB or hexadecimal

I have my current code that reads the getPixel from the current cursor position but the return value is just some insane value by COLORREF and I want it to be in RGB. I looked into Microsoft Reference and I found RGB Macro COLORREF RGB( BYTE…
1 answer

Java Change Color Palette of an Image

Hello fellow programmmers! I am a Java beginner and I have a Java program that takes an image, displays the unedited version, converts it to grayscale and shows the image, and applies a different color palette to the image and then shows it. I am…
1 answer

Save pixel data in txt format in PIL

My program is to extract the pixel from an image and to save the pixel data in the text file for analysis. My picture is a binary image that gives only 255 and 0 's Here is the program: from PIL import Image im ="thresh.jpg") pixel =…
Naveen Raja
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2 answers

How to turn on Color Wrap in JES

I can't find the answer t this anywhere. I am using JES. I am creating function with images. I need the color values to wrap; for example: if red = 250 250 + 20 = 15 instead of 250 + 20 = 255 Can anybody please tell me, how I can achieve this?
1 answer

SDL_GetPixel pointer problems

This is my very first question: First of these 2 functions you see here below works fine to some extent: Uint32 AWSprite::get_pixelColor_location(SDL_Surface * surface, int x, int y) { int bpp = surface->format->BytesPerPixel; /* Here p is the…
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1 answer

(C++) How to use GetPixel() of x y on screen

Could someone make some code that gets the pixel of an x y coord on screen and explain how the code works. I have read other examples but I dont know what all the functions and code do. Thanks.
1 answer

What is the color white returned from the GetPixel() method?

What is the RBG value of the color white returned from the GetPixel() method? Is it (255, 255, 255) or (0, 0, 0)?
Payam Hesami
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