Questions tagged [geofencing]

A geo-fence is a virtual perimeter for a real-world geographic area. Geo-fencing is a means of notification when a location-aware device crosses this virtual perimeter.

735 questions
1 answer

How to add background service in Geofence android

I am trying to create a geofence with background service for monitor. The geofence create successfully and work when apps Activity is open but when close the app geofence not work. What should I do now. My code is: public class MapsActivity extends…
1 answer

Geofences not working when app is killed

I know similar questions have been asked before but answers were not perfect. I created an app with geofences using the sample code from android developer website. I did not use any shared preferences to store geofences as I am not removing the…
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Android geofencing API BroadcastReceiver not triggered

I am trying to use the geofencing api from the google play services but I can't manage to get my broadcast receiver trigger its onReceive() method. It looks like I respect everything that is needed to make it work but I get no transition event. I…
3 answers

How to draw a polygon around a polyline in JavaScript?

I want to draw a polygon around a polyline. The polyline in my case is a Google Maps direction and I need to show a polygon around it within the Google Maps canvas. First: For offsetting I use the JavaScript Clipper Library. I have the following…
dr Code
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1 answer

Intent not received from Android Geofence event

Everything builds correctly and runs in the emulator, but I cannot seem to get my IntentService to log anything. I'm sure there's something basic that I'm missing or overlooking, but I'm pretty new to Android/Java and have run out of ideas at this…
2 answers

Android Geofencing (Polygon)

How to create Polygon Geofence from multiple geo locations(long,lat values) . Also how to track user is entering into this geofence region or exiting from this region on android.
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How do I implement a draggable, resizable polygon on Google Maps in React Native?

I am creating an app in React Native. Part of the app is a geofence represented by a polygon, and I want the user to be able to easily drag and resize the polygon with their finger. The Google Maps API docs feature a clear example of dragging (but…
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3 answers

Android max limit for geofences?

I'm starting with the geo fencing API of google play services. I think I understood the general concept but I couldn't find out if there's a limit for geofences. I give my list of geofences to the the location client and he handles the rest. But…
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3 answers

Significant location change for geofencing

I need to deliver specific messages to the user based on its proximity to a specific location and on some other rules (like if there are any specific messages for that area). For example User gets in car and gets to work. The moment he arrives at…
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How to monitor geofences in background on Oreo?

I followed this tutorial: and works fine on Android < 8, but in Oreo i have problems due to new OS background limitations. How can I get geofence transition triggers when app is in…
2 answers

what is the purpose of `setInitialTrigger` on GeofencingRequest?

I really don't understand the function setInitialTrigger on GeofencingRequest class. I know that we can create some Geofence object whith different transition: Enter Exit Dwell Which is fine for me and acceptable. Now, my problem is relatively to…
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4 answers

How to check for Mock Location in Android Marshmallow?

How to detect if the location is triggered with Mock Location in Android Marshmallow? Previously, I used Settings.Secure.ALLOW_MOCK_LOCATION But, in API level 23, this has been deprecated. I want to check if the trigger is with Fake location or…
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1 answer

iOS Geofence, how to handle when inside region when monitoring starts?

I have been unable to work out how to handle a scenario where the phone is already inside a region when startMonitoringForRegion is called? Other questions have suggested calling requestStateForRegion inside didStartMonitoringForRegion this then…
Joe Maher
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5 answers

How to make Geo Fencing alert more accurate in Android

Hello I am trying to add feature of Geo Fence in Android. I am using the for creating and monitoring Geo Fences. I am using the IntentService for the alert (Entered/Exited) but for me it…
N Sharma
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2 answers

How to know if an Android device is near an address google maps api

I'm developing an Android application which receives a given address. I would like to only let the app run on the device, if the user is on that address, or closer to it. Is that possible to do only with google maps api?
Felipe Mosso
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