Questions tagged [gdata]

GData (Google Data Protocol) provides a simple protocol for reading and writing data on the Internet, designed by Google.

Gdata (Google Data Protocol) provides a simple protocol for reading and writing data on the Internet, designed by Google. GData combines common XML-based syndication formats (Atom and RSS) with a feed-publishing system based on the Atom Publishing Protocol, plus some extensions for handling queries. It relies on XML or JSON as a data format.

Most Google APIs today are not Google Data APIs. The Google Data APIs applies only to a few APIs, as described in the GData API Directory

995 questions
1 answer

Access Gmail atom feed using OAuth

I'm trying to grab the Gmail atom feed from a python application using OAuth. I have a working application that downloads the Google Reader feed, and I think it should simply be a matter of changing the scope and feed URLs. After replacing the URLs…
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contentDetails or duration not coming using Youtube v3 api

Look at this link , there is an example given &part=snippet,contentDetails,statistics,status Part of the response is "contentDetails": { "duration": "PT15M51S", …
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3 answers

Loading a generic Google Spreadsheet in Pandas

When I try to load a Google Spreadsheet in pandas from StringIO import StringIO import requests r = requests.get('') data = r.content df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data),…
Amelio Vazquez-Reina
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2 answers

Is the YouTube Google Data API (GDATA) deprecated?

I'm about to start a project that requires some simple YouTube non-write data operations, like gathering users playlists and videos. I read that the YouTube 2.0 API is deprecated, but I don't really want to use OAuth authentication required for API…
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1 answer

Rate (like/dislike) YouTube comments

Simple problem: I'm using Youtube gdata through javascript to: Comment, Reply and Like/Dislike videos. Everything is working so far! However, I'm trying to allow users to specifically like and dislike COMMENTS (the same way you can on native…
2 answers

read.xls - read in variable-length list of sheets, with their names

Given several .xls files with varying number of sheets, I am reading them into R usingread.xls from the gdata package. I have two related issues (solving the second issue should solve the first): It is unknown ahead of time how many sheets each…
Ricardo Saporta
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4 answers

Getting Youtube Channel Playlist using Objective-C API

I'm trying to use Google's Objective-C Youtube APIs to fetch a youtube channel's playlist - with no luck. -I downloaded Google's official API…
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2 answers

Gdata python Google apps authentication

I have been able to login to Google spreadsheet with gdata python client.programmaticlogin function following the sample/spreadsheet in gdata downloaded pack. Now I am not able to login to my enterprise gapps '' do I have to pass any…
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2 answers

Get XML with id's of all uploaded videos on youtube channel

I have more than 100 videos uploaded in a youtube channel. I get the xml of channel as: , it only returns xml with id's for only 25 videos. How can i get xml of all uploaded videos on…
Najeebullah Shah
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1 answer

GData with Oauth with Service Account

I am in a strange problem. I am writing an application in core java which needs to access its own account at google docs. So after doing a lot of googling, I found that OAuth2.0 with Service Account is something I am looking for. But I am not using…
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1 answer

SimpleXMLElement, xpath, and sub elements

I am accessing the gData Api on YouTube. I'll use this xml for reference. I'm using xpath on a child SimpleXMLElement object, but rather than the xpath searching ONLY the child element and its children, it seems to still be searching from the root…
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2 answers

Google GData .Net OAuthUtil.GetAccessToken 400 Bad Request

I'm trying generate an OAuth access token via the Google .Net GData Client Library. I've been using the instructions in as a guide and everything's been working up until I attempt calling…
Zac Seth
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1 answer

Google Calendar Gdata old recurring event deleted event still showing with a EventID ending in Z

I have tried to Google this question, but have had no luck, maybe due to the search string "Z" not being specific enough. Background: Using Google Calendar Zend gdata library, and have been using simple code to list events for a specific time…
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3 answers

"Insecure HTTP requests not permitted. Use HTTPS." when trying to retrieve user with gdata 2.0.16 python library

I'm trying to retrieve a user with the following code found in the gdata provisioning api documentation. I'm attempting this for a django 1.3 app, running gdata-2.0.16 in python2.7: from gdata.apps import client from myapp import settings client =…
Nathan Jones
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1 answer

gdata-java-client + oauth2 + access_token secret

I'm currently trying to use the new java client(s) and due to legacy reasons for current state of google libraries, I need to use both the gdata and the new google java client api. Obviously I'd like to use OAuth2 -- however with OAuth2 I am not…
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