Questions tagged [fullpage.js]

jQuery plugin and Javascript library used to create full screen scrolling websites

FullPage.js is a jQuery plugin used to create full screen scrolling websites.


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1174 questions
1 answer

Fullpage.js - creating a sidebar outside of scroll area

I'm trying to figure out how to lessen the width of the mousewheel detected scrollable area in Fullpage.js so that I can add my separately scrolling sidebar.
glenn nall
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1 answer

FullPage JS Fixed Background Image

I am using FullPage JS and Would like to implement a fixed a video background with scrolling content. I have the video set to section 1 however when scrolling it shifts to a white a background. An help would be great! #fullpage { …
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jquery.fullPage.js how to enable hide your header on scroll

My question involves fullpage.js responding to (window).scroll events. I need hide the header on scroll down and show on scroll up. The header cannot worked well once I apply jquery.fullPage.min.js. Coding for Hide header on scroll down, show on…
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3 answers

How can I change an image based on URL hash when using fullpage.js?

I am currently using fullPage.js for a website I'm creating. Notice how as you scroll, it appends a hash to the URL (ie. #feature1). I would like to change an image or a background image based on that hash This is above my tag to initialize…
Paul Ruocco
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1 answer

How to load two different specific jquery files in Ipad and also dekstop

I am trying write a code to load different scripts for different resolution eg. for desktop it should be different scripts and also for mobile iPad etc different scripts I am trying with this code but don't know where to start exactly if (…
Divya Sharma
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2 answers

Fullpage.js: Page is scrolling too fast

I have a fullpage.js site at the following link that is made up of 2 sections: 1 with a few slides, and a second section which is very long, and which takes some scrolling to navigate. I noticed that the…
Heart Patrick
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1 answer

Pinch to zoom not working on iPad with fullPage.js

I am using the fullPage.js plugin and I can not zoom by pinching on my iPad. I have the following code: $('#fullpage').fullpage({ sectionsColor: ['#fff', '#fff', '#fff', '#fff', '#fff', '#fff'], anchors: ['home', 'concertation', 'essences',…
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1 answer

FullPage.js - pause/play video

I am using FullPage.js for my project. I want to pause my background video while leaving the section, and resume when I back again from start or point it was paused. To do that I've add the following code: onLeave: function(index, nextIndex,…
3 answers

finding out the correct css path

I am using a plugin call fullPage.js and I am wondering if I could use jquery to change the bullets of navigation on the right. So this is the HTML code of the navigation bar
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How to make a footer popup to cover all page?

I want to do the following: Press menu link called "Contacts" - Done Create a footer with Email, Rights & Contacts - Done After press "Contacts" (menu), all page becomes white and Email, Rights & Contacts stay on middle (jQuery maybe?) Is this…
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1 answer

What Javascript, Jquery, and css code do I need to have a side bar exactly like this?

I'm wanting to create the sidebar from this website ( but I'm having trouble figuring it out. Can you guys please help me create the positioning/color and animation of the sidebar. The html code is there, just not the…
2 answers

Fullpage js working fine localhost but not in live server

In my html code i'm using fullpage.js ,the web page is running fine on localhost but when i put all the files to server it's not running $(document).ready(function() { if ($(window).width() > 768) { $('#fullpage').fullpage({ …
1 answer

Slow scrollbar in FullPage.js

I have a little issue with FullPage.js. I made scrollOverflow: true, and on Windows everything is alright. But on BlackBerry browser or Android browser this scroll is very... hm... heavy and slowly. How can I fix this?
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1 answer

Full page website with left navigation

I'm doing a full page site, with a navigation on left, when I hover one of the items, a tooltip with be shown. But I wonder how to 'stick' the tooltip to the icon when hover. Please refer my screenshot. app.Tooltips = []; app.Anchors =…
1 answer

Prevent animation running more than once - js callbacks

Right, so with my website I'm currently designing I'm using the plugin Fullpage.js. I have an animation on as you can see. The animation itself is done by the percentagecircles.js file and does not use…
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