Questions tagged [fputcsv]

fputcsv is a PHP function that formats a line (passed as a fields array) as CSV and writes it (terminated by a newline) to the specified file handle. `fputcsv` support started with PHP version 5.1.0.

334 questions
1 answer

How to avoid unnecessary double quotation (") in fputcsv?

I am going to export an output of a query in a text file (not CSV file) via PHP using fputcsv function, but when I open the text file, extra double-quotes (") are added at the start & end, and also in the middle: "SET: NEID=35;" "ADD…
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php fputcsv not working

I do not understand why my fputcsv is not working. Here is what I've got: prepare('SELECT QName, tsql from…
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write CSV with fputcsv

When I use this code, the new CVS file get "" by text with blanks: //array in csv schreiben $daten = array_filter($daten); $csv_array[] = $daten; $fp = fopen("golfDBtest.csv", 'w'); foreach ($csv_array as $fields) { fputcsv($fp,…
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fputcsv adds unwanted Validation comment at top of file

I need csv output with column headers and comma delimited data. The fputcsv function is working right except that it places a "Validation" comment at the top of the output file: This line causes the file…
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3 answers

Array push rows from SQL query

I am trying to save the rows (results) from an SQL query to a csv file. I am using array push in order to put the results in a list. Later I put the data from this list to my csv file. My code : while ($row = $query->fetch_assoc()) { …
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Export Json Array to CSV in php

I have this array of provider [ { "reference":"01042", "images": [ "http:\/\/\/34\/01042.jpg" ] }, { "reference":"01057", "images":[ …
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2 answers

How to edit (replacing would be fine) a row in a .csv file using php?

So I've looked at fputcsv but it seems to replace the whole file. Is there a way that a I can replace or edit a particular row in a CSV file using PHP? I do NOT want to upload (as an array or some other data structure) the entire CSV edit the upload…
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1 answer

Move pointer horizontally using fputcsv in PHP

I am trying to write 2 arrays to csv file using fputcsv. But the problem is when writing the second array it goes to the end of the file and starts from there. So basically I have these 2 sections to write in a csv file and it's writing in the…
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1 answer

How to create a CSV download in Php

I need some help guys. I am pulling data from a CRM using API and I am looping through each variable eg. This is inside of Wordpress. The Answer below does work perfectly fine when isolated. for ($x = 0; $x<=$total_leads; $x++){ $first_name =…
1 answer

How To Add serial Number Column And Serial Numbers In That In fputcsv in PHP

I am using fputcsv to export my database into the excel format. Currently it is showing all fields, including the id from the database. But I want Serial Numbers in the first column of the exported CSV file. The Database id series may change if some…
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Convert 2D Array to CSV file in PHP - String Error

I am trying to export a 2D array into a CSV file. This should be simple... but I tried every fputcsv example I could find and nothing works. Either the entire array is deposited into one row... Or when I try to insert via a foreach loop or I…
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1 answer

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare fputcsv()

I have found a php inventory easy but was written in PHP4? and I run now on PHP5. I have found some errors that I have already managed to fix but they are keep coming up so I would like to see if I can managed to…
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4 answers

Save a .csv file to desktop

I am developing a script using PHP to save a file to desktop as .csv file. I found this code sample from PHP Manual.
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2 answers

CSV file contain double entries PHP SQL SERVER

I am using a solution from this SO question to make a user download a csv file. However my CSV output contains double entries for each output e.g if expected output is 1,2,3,4,5 I get 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5. My query is okay since it outputs the…
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1 answer

PHP Access objects and store it in an array or access objects as arrays?

I'm currently working on a project where I have to access the objects from Audience Segments and export the data that comes together with it in an excel format. I'm still new to PHP and I can't seem to figure my way around this. Here's a sample…
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