Questions tagged [formatted]

81 questions
1 answer

NSLocalizedString(key: value: comment: ) with variable is not working in swift

I need to localize a string which has some variable and the localized string must be defined with key: value: comment format. Guys I tried many ways but don't get the right way yet. See here... let timeValue = 5 let timeString = "hours" //Bellows…
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1 answer

Is there a way to pump fully formatted string/text through an empty variable in python?

I'm a little new to python and I'm trying to fill raw_input with a formatted string yet my output never changes the "\n" character and always returns null. Is there a way to pump fully formatted string/text through an empty variable? text = "" stop…
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3 answers

showing " in td instead of <

I am storing formatted string in database using PHP. And displaying that string in td of HTML table. My sample text is like- water releasing H3O+ ions; When displaying in td, it just…
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Can I do an Unformatted Write to a File Then a Formatted Read From a File for Integral Types?

Given that I write an vector of integers to temporary file unformatted: ofstream foo("foo.txt", ios::binary); const auto length= size(output); foo.write(reinterpret_cast(length), sizeof(length)); if(!empty(input))…
Jonathan Mee
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0 answers

Processing Formatted similar but nonuniform Excel with ForEachLoop

I am required to process multiple (32) formatted excel source files (they're actually .xlsm) that have embedded macros, functions, merged cells, etc. These files started out the same, but got processed in many different countries and when they…
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1 answer

extract strings from patterned string list and convert it into dataFrame in python

I have a list which contains patterned string like this: ['"Bandcamp" (2014)\t\t\t\t\ttv-mini-series', '"ByMySide" (2012){The Happening (#1.3)}\t\t\t\t\ttwitter-hashtag-in-title', '"Elmira" (2014)\t\t\t\t\telmira-new-york', '"Elmira" (2014){The…
2 answers

reading formatted data from text file in matlab

I have been trying to read some numbers from formatted text file. I want to keep some number of columns from numerous columns, and I want to repeat it to the end of file (multiple rows or lines). This is the code that I wrote to do that but it only…
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2 answers

store an attribute value in a file without lost indentation- xquery 3.0

I wrote a xquery 3.0 function that stores in a file the content of an attribute. The problem is that one only line is formatted in the file; in other words if the tag where I get the attribute value is for example ...
1 answer

Formatted text in ACTION_SEND intent

I want to share a formatted text from Android application using ACTION_SEND intent and I've found I can use the tag. It works well sharing the HTML text with email, but if I try to share it with Facebook, Twitter, Hangout, no text is showed. Of…
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3 answers

session_start() not working in xampp

I created two files 1.php 2.php which are in the same folder(i am using xampp). In 1.php used session_start() and also used $_session['name']=abc. Then i opened 2.php to check whether session was created or not 2.php:
3 answers

Simple JQuery AutoComplete w/ Javascript Callback to format reponse

I am new to JSON and trying to figure out how to get this real simple autocomplete working with some formatted response. (all jquery autocompletes I see use the huge ui library's that I would rather stay far away from). This is what I have so…
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ASP.NET - Export formatted data in excel file

I want to export a datable to excel file. The data should be formatted and in readable format. Can anyone suggest me ways to do this ? Also please suggest ready made free library which we can use in ASP.NET for formatted exporting. Thanks
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2 answers

How to convert an Integer into a formatted 4-Byte Hexidecimal (with leading 0's)

Possible Duplicate: Java integer to byte array Here's another question still related to the original below: If I have a hex number that takes up 4 characters (2-bytes) saved as an integer. Example: int value = 0xFFFF; This in java will make it a…
Nicholas Miller
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1 answer

Working with strings in c and c++

I am not sure exactly how to pass different string types to functions in C. I have a function that receives a formatted string void Logger::info(const char *logstring, ...) { // So I basically can write a preliminary message "DATA:" to a…
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1 answer

How can I print curly braces with this style formatted text in python

The following codes - d = {'name':'Joe', 'age': 25 } mypara =''' My name is {name}. - I am {age} year old. ''' print(mypara.format(**d)) gives the following output: My name is Joe. - I am 25 year old. How can I get output like…
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