Questions tagged [fmdb]

FMDB is a free, third-party Objective-C wrapper for SQLite, providing a simple, object-oriented interface for Mac OS X and iOS.

FMDB is a free, third-party Objective-C wrapper for SQLite, providing a simple, object-oriented interface for Mac OS X and iOS. FMDB isolates the Objective-C developer from the SQLite C interface and greatly simplifies the process of writing code that interacts with SQLite databases.

FMDB was developed by August "Gus" Mueller and is provided the public free of charge for use without restriction. See the LICENSE.


678 questions
1 answer

Logic issue, adding Buttons to UI based on database entries

In my SQLite database (FMDB) i have some attributes as listed below; Module | Student1 | Student2 | Student3 | Student4 | Student5 One Module may have a minimum of 2 students and a maximum of 5 students. So based on the number of students i have…
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SQLite Insert Multiple rows from JSON object ios

I am getting json data over http using NSURLSession class NSString *url = @""; NSURLSessionTask *task = [[NSURLSession sharedSession] dataTaskWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url] completionHandler:^(NSData *…
1 answer

how to create sqlite database at fix location

How can I create Sqlite database file at a fix location. I am using FMDB wrapper to create database file. I want to create the database file at the location I am entering.
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Include Library into XCode Project

I want to include the FMDB library into an existing XCode Project. I know how to install it with pods. But is there a way to link it somehow with Build Phases - Compile Sources or Build Phases - Link Binary with Libraries? I am not sure how to do…
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1 answer

Swift Database FMDB Error and Explanation

I am having some trouble compiling this on xcode. Line 6: " let docsDir = dirPaths[0] as! String" returns an error of "Forced Cast of 'String' to the same type has no effect." What is as! String doing? as it tells me to delete it. Second question is…
Roger Ho
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1 answer

How to use two sqlite database files in single iOS project with simultaneously fetch data from both Database

My requirement is to add two SQLite database files in my project. I know that is possible. But how can I access two database files simultaneously? One more thing currently I am using FMDB to manipulate database operation. Note : Both of my DB file…
Shivani Gor
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1 answer

Cannot import FMDB.h in Swift

I was following this tutorial everything is perfect till the import statement. #import "FMDB.h" when I wrote the statement 2 errors…
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1 answer

AppDelegate object returns nil when directory path is called

//my button action method -(IBAction)signupBtn { [appDelegate.database executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO signUp (username,email, password, cnfpassword) VALUES (?,?,?,?) ", userName.text,emailName.text,passWord.text,cnfpassWord.text]; NSLog(@"docsDir…
Akash KR
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2 answers

iOS fmdb: Getting sqlite errors

I am getting the following error when using fmdb with iOS. What does this mean? Error calling sqlite3_step (1: cannot start a transaction within a transaction) SQLITE_ERROR DB Query: begin exclusive transaction Unknown error finalizing or…
3 answers

message not display in UITextView in iOS?

message display in console window but not display in uitextview when i run the program what the problem in that. -(void)getSmsData { array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; NSArray *docPaths =…
1 answer

FMDB (SQL) tried to got array from database (iOS)

I need to load database: shortSelected - string, array - array of strings, date - date. I load database from shortSelected(it string that always different) and database has all that values, I pass shortSelected to database, but in 3 string…
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1 answer

how to delete multi row in sqlite ios

I am trying to delete multi rows: I am using this code: [db beginTransaction]; [db executeUpdate:@"delete FROM tasks WHERE _id NOT LIKE \'temp\%\' andD _id NOT LIKE \'\%prepop\%\' AND _id NOT LIKE \'link\%\'"]; [db commit]; For some…
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1 answer

how to add escape character to string when init sql string?

I am using FMDB to manage my sqlite database. I implement an insert function and use it to insert some rows. But there is a row which cannot be inserted, when inserted, the error code is 7 and the error message is out of memory. I trace sql…
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1 answer

Convert Objective C to Rubymotion

SQLCIPHER sqlite encrypted iphone ios converting un-encrypted database to encrypted database [fmdb open]; NSString *sel = @"SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master"; FMResultSet *fmr = [self executeQuery : fmdb : sel]; …
AaShish Upadhyay
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1 answer

Issue regarding Retrieving data from FMDB Database

In my IOS app I am using FMDB Database to store data. I am having problem while retrieving data. Actually in last page of my app, when i click on "sendtowatch" button, the data should be saved and at the same time it should be retrieved so that the…
Nishant Narola
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