Questions tagged [flask-restplus]

Flask-RESTPlus is an extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs documented with Swagger

Flask-RestPlus provide syntaxic suger, helpers and automatically generated Swagger documentation on top of Flask-Restful. It provides a bunch of decorators and helpers to quickly build documented and maintainable APIs with Flask.


334 questions
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Deploying Flask_restplus Api build over Flask App using on nginx server

All I have a flask_rest plus api over flask app in python. I want to deploy the same using the uwsgi format on nginx server. I searched for quite a long but didn't found the write solution.Any leads would be helpful.. Thanks in advance. Below is…
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flask-restplus microservice not reachable on docker container

this is about a simple flask-restplus microservice with an echo endpoint, that can be found here that runs locally by default on port 5000: cd $src_folder python but when running in a docker container with a simple Dockerfile... RUN pip…
1 answer

Using Flask with Google App Engine Dev Server, swagger ui not found?

I am developing a website using Flask and Flask Restplus. I tried to use Google App Engine to deploy the app, however when I run on my computer, all the swagger-ui files cannot be found. I have no ideas why this happens? Can anyone…
Hà Link
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Calling weather API in Restplus

I'm trying to figure out how can I call an API using Flask-Restplus (using API key, as it always was possible - let's say the easiest example is weather). I know how I can do it in Flask, but have no idea how can I do it in Restplus. There are tons…
Alice Jarmusch
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Simultaneously serving web pages and an API with Flask on different ports

I intend to serve a Flask API (powered by flask-restplus) on :5000, as well as a couple of web pages on :80 (which incidentally are Angular based consumers of the aforementioned API). Is this possible? If so, how doth one go about this?
Chris vCB
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Flask restful model with variable keys

As a part of my RESTful API I found myself needing to return a json with "variable" keys, I'll try to make things more clear with a simple example: I have different groups, each group has a group_id, so the expected return would be: { 1: { …
Gal Pressman
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Testing routing Blueprint - Flask Restplus

I'm trying to test the example of ToDo in Flask-Restplus site, but it keeps on getting me 404... Basically I have 3 files: import sys import os import platform import datetime import logging from logging import Formatter from…
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Routing error when testing API made with Blueprint in Flask

I'm having troubles when testing an API made with Flask-Restplus, integrating it into an existing application. The structure (not complete, the relevant pieces) of the project is as follows (root folder is called portal) | |-api -> Blueprint…
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multiples section on Restplus swagger documentation

On Restplus documentation (using B!ueprints) we see : a full example: The created swagger documentation has only one section "todos : TODO operations " How can I have multiples sections ?
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AssertionError with Flask-Restplus under Python 2.7

I am refactoring a Flask-restful app to Flask-RESTPlus in order to get the Swagger documentation easier integrated. I have defined endpoint, with a namespace and a model and I get the swagger UI up under http://localhost:8080/api and have the…
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2 answers

Flask-restplus how to post without a body

I'd like to use the POST verb to perform actions on a VM with flask-restplus, but it always results in a 400 when there is no body. VM_ACTION_FIELDS = { 'vmActionId': fields.Integer(required=True, description='The vmActionId of the…
2 answers

Python web application with flask on local machine

I'm new to python and Flask, and I have a project from the production ENV which I'm trying to run on my local. I was able to install all the packages and bring them up on, but the problem is that is the only page that actually…
Reza Shek
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Storing and accessing dictionary data in Flask

I have a Flask RESTful service where I want to read a JSON file as a dictionary during initialization and later read data from it during certain GET requests. The dictionary would have to be updated once every day. This is what I tried using Flask…
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How to use SELECT query based on method parameter in Flask restplus Api?

I want to handle a GET request in my Flask REST API.The request will include List parameter and I use this to be a typical GET request: https://localhost:5000/organisation?List=1 this request, will return all of Organisation Model information.…
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