Questions tagged [flask-cors]

A Flask extension for handling Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), making cross-origin AJAX possible.

82 questions
1 answer

How to fix: "Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin." -- with flask_cors

I have set up a server with flask CORS and had it working for sending data to a React web app that I built, but when I went to test the POST method it stoped working and now it is broken for sending and receiving. The error log in the console of the…
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2 answers

400 Bad Request error with flask server react client for socketio

Trying to create a socketio link between flask server and reactjs client. It shows this error "Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by…
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3 answers

Flask API deployed with Heroku 'CORS blocked' error

I'm having issues on my application that has been deployed to Heroku. When I was developing it on localhost, I didn't get this error, but once I deployed it, it spontaneously throws this error: Access to fetch at ''…
1 answer

flask-cors is not parsing the data from ajax client

I am using flask for creating some endpoints for a blockchain project . I need to accept json data from ajax client . Since it is cros platform , i am using flask cors . But i cant seem to find a solution. It is not working I have already tried…
Aditya Nadig
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1 answer

I have a trouble with install flask_cors by pip

AJackTis-MacBook-Air:API ajackti$ pip install flask_cors DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop…
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Flask CORS: how could I receive an 'Authorization' header?

I have a front-end application on Vue.js and a back-end application on Flask/Python. I'm trying to send to the back-end a request with an 'Authorization' header, however this header is not arriving on my back-end. I've already tried to make…
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Fetch request fails when I send POST request from React app to a Flask API

I'm pretty sure I've done everything correctly. Included 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *' in my response headers and everything. I've browsed some other posts on StackOverflow and everything seems to be in line with all the suggestions there.…
1 answer

flask-cors not sending preflight CORS request

I want to allow only localhost as access-control-allow-origin in my Flask app. I tried searching for this issue at other places with no solution. My code is very simple and straightforward as follows : from flask import Flask from routes.routes…
Shivansh Jagga
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2 answers

Making POST requests to Flask and getting back data

I have a React app that makes a POST request to a Flask backend. The POST request is designed to alter some data in a database and send back a calculated value. Everything seems to work on the Flask side except for the response. The response I get…
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Http to https redirect blocked by CORS policy

I am trying to do a GET (or POST) request to a localhost server from a chrome developer tools console window running on a website with https (in this case, but it's the same for any https). If I run the same code from a website that is…
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2 answers

Request always returns 400 when sent from application (flask_corse)

I have a backend is implemented in flask and flask_restful and has a number of different routes. My frontend is running on another origin which means that I used flask_curse in order to allow my frontend to sent requests to my backend. Bellow you…
1 answer

Python Flask-cors not returning back any of the cors headers in response

I am using Flask-Cors==3.0.3 Here's the way I am setting it up for my app, where the front end is on localhost:9000 on apache while the backend is on localhost:8080: app = Flask(_name_, template_folder="www/templates", static_folder…
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Flask API: How can I pass a param to url in angularjs $resource PUT method correctly?

I have the follow code, a factory that consumes an API rest: angular.module('teachers') .factory("TeachersService", function($resource) { var restPath = 'http://localhost:8001/entities/teacher/'; return $resource(restPath + ':id', {…
Juan Antonio
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Flask CORS and Flask Limiter

I am using flask cors, flask limiter and AngularJS for my web-app.. Everything is working fine but what I want is too return a 429 too many request message on the front-end but I can't seem to do that because the OPTIONS methods blocks everything…
Dean Christian Armada
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1 answer

CORs request with flask api - Jquery POST request results in OPTIONs

I have a flask API to control an immersion heater device. This is on my localhost server and it responds correctly to JQuery POST requests on the same domain e.g.…
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