Questions tagged [fixed-point-iteration]

Questions about fixed-point iteration, a method for calculating fixed points of functions. For combinators used to encode recursion, use [fixpoint-combinators] instead. For fixed-point arithmetic, use [fixed-point] instead. For the fixedpoint engine of Z3, use [z3-fixedpoint] instead.

A fixed point of a function f(x) is a value c such that f(c) = c. In words, a function takes its fixed points to themselves. Fixed points can be computed by an iterative algorithm. Various numerical analysis problems can be expressed in terms of obtaining fixed points, one example being Newton's method for obtaining roots of an equation (see the tag).

43 questions
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Fixed point recursion MATLAB

I am not sure if I have come across a trick question or not, but I am coding a fixed point recursion to find root for a given equation. To me, it seems like I have the answer right off the bat, but I am still trying to determine how to manipulate…
1 answer

Horn clauses with multiplication in Z3

I've just started digging into Z3's fixed point solver and I've cooked up an example that hangs when using multiplication but completes when defining multiplication as a series of additions. As I'm new to working with Horn clauses, there could be…
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Finding the Fixed Points of an Iterative Map

I need to find fixed points of iterative map x[n] == 1/2 x[n-1]^2 - Mu. My approach: Subscript[g, n_ ][Mu_, x_] := Nest[0.5 * x^2 - Mu, x, n] fixedPoints[n_] := Solve[Subscript[g, n][Mu, x] == x, x] Plot[ Evaluate[{x, Table[Subscript[g,…
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An OCaml function for finding fixed points

I have an OCaml function for finding fixed points: >> let rec fix f x = let x' = f x in if x = x' then x else fix f x';; (system message) val fix : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a = The question is, I don't understand how it works when I…
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MATLAB - Fixed point iteration

I'm trying to figure out how to create a function for fixed point iteration. But I have been stuck on this for a good hour now and I am finally caving in. So what am I doing wrong? I would suspect that I'm updating wrong, but I am not really…
2 answers

fixed point iteration algorithm

I am asked to write a program to solve this equation ( x^3 + x -1 = 0 ) using fixed point iteration. What is the algorithm for fixed point iteration? Is there any fixed point iteration code sample in Python? (not a function from any modules, but…
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MatLab fixed point method to find the root of a function as an input

I've trouble creating a code for finding roots of a function as an input by the fixed point method, Here I've done it using Newton-Raphson method: clc,close all syms x; fprintf('Newton Raphson\n'); Fun = input('\nType a function \n'); x0 =…
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R fixed point of a function

I am looking for a fixed point x when f(x)=x of a function, ofcourse numerically, but I have no idea how to solve it with R, I am trying with fsolve with following code, but possibly its not the right way to write this...I am not getting…
4 answers

Finding the fixed points of a function

I am trying to find the fixed point of a logistic distribution function and determine how the fixed point changes for different parameter values. The code looks like: nfxp.reps <- 0 err <- 10 p <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.0001) pold <- p gamma <- 6 k <-…
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Python - Fixed Point Iteration

I just found some source code and modified it to be Fixed Point Iteration program like this, but i still wondering what flag mean is in this code? Somebody can help me to explain it briefly? import math def f(x): return -0.9*x**2 + 1.7*x +…
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Defining functions with conditionals in Python

I am currently working in my doctoral thesis coding. The paper deals with selective default, based on Arellano (2008). Got inspiration from @quantecon notebooks. I'm trying to create a function in Python using Numba that iterates a bunch of…
3 answers

Solve this equation with fixed point iteration method in python

f(x) = x^2- 2x - 3 = 0 How can I solve this equation non-linear, and used fixed point iteration method in Python ?
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Stopping criteria matlab iteration

I want to add an While-loop to my matlab-code so that it will stop when the iteration is good enough. With some kind of tolerance, eg. 1e-6. This is my code now. So i need to add some kind of stopping criteria, i have tried several times now but it…
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