Questions tagged [firefox3.6]

Version 3.6 of the Mozilla Firefox browser. Released on January 21, 2010.

Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser developed for Microsoft Windows, OS X and Linux (including Android) coordinated by Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation. Firefox uses the Gecko layout engine to render web pages, which implements current and anticipated web standards. wikipedia

115 questions
3 answers

Selenium 2 WebDriver to use Custom Profile

I'm trying to automate the interaction with a website that generates documents with MIME type application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml. I am using Selenium 2, the WebDriver and the FirefoxProfile. Because Firefox does not handle the above mentioned MIME type,…
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2 answers

HtmlUnit & GWT error

I've a GWT application that I try to index. I am using HtmlUnit to get the content of the generated HTML: WebClient webClient = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.FIREFOX_3_6); HtmlPage refDesing =…
Muhammad Hewedy
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1 answer

FireFox CSS Table Extra Border Line

I encountered a table border line CSS problem in Firefox, when the CSS border-collapse is collapse, and have 2 merged cells, one of them has a 1px border. An extra unwanted border line exists on the right. This problem does not exist in other…
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1 answer

Firefox selecting whole silverlight area causing browser scroll bars to become enabled

This only seems to be a problem now with firefox 3.6 When you click anywhere on the page which is one big embedded silverlight object the little broken outline appears, the same as when you say click on a link. This is causing the page to go one…
Rob Ryan
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1 answer

How to read browser status bar text in Selenium WebDriver

Is there anyone know how to read FireFox Browser Status bar text using Selenium WebDriver? I want it because I want to know whether my entire webpage is loaded completely or not. Please suggest me if there is another way to do. Calling any…
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How to register my own firefox extension?

I am trying to learn how to write firefox extensions. I download an HelloWorld example from here but I can't figure out how to register it. I found my profiles extension folder (Easy since I use the latest Firefox version) but couldn't really…
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2 answers

Is that possible to set gradient on text color?

Firefox 3.6 allows to set gradient on backgrounds. Is that possible to set gradient on the text color as well ? For example: HTML: Hello CSS: body { background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, red, white); } span { font-size: 13em; …
Misha Moroshko
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1 answer

Firefox 3.6 crashes when trying to display a thumbnail

I use Uploadify to upload multiple pictures to server. I want to display pictures thumbnails before the pictures are actually uploaded to the server, based on this. I use Firefox 3.6.6. Here is how I thought to do this: $('#fileInput').uploadify({ …
Misha Moroshko
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1 answer

Why is console.log statements not appearing in my FireBug console anymore?

I'm using FF 3.6 and FireBug 1.5.0 my console.log statements are no longer appearing in my firebug console. is anyone else experiencing this? is there a setting somewhere that got switched that I don't know about?
Jon Erickson
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10 answers

Firefox 3.6 and CSS difference from previous versions of Firefox 3.5 and back?

So, in upgrading to Firefox 3.6, the CSS broke on input boxes. The padding has increased -- it might also be the font-size is somehow behaving different. Wondering if anyone else has seen this problem yet. Can't quite figure it out. HTML…
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2 answers

firefox 3.6.20 regex giving inconsistent results

I've been debugging this one application for a while and it led me to this test case. When I run it in firefox 3.6.x it only works 50% of the time. var success = 0; var pat = /(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s(am|pm)/g; var date =…
Ilia Choly
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1 answer

Why my dispatchEvent works for mouse events but not key events

I am thinking about making a Firefox add-on of my own and doing some experiments for the functionality I might be adding in it. As I am just checking the feasibility of things for now, I just got a skeleton created from Mozilla add-on builder and…
3 answers won't call the JavaScript function - Firefox 3.6

I have a function defined in JavaScript like so: function fadeBack() { alert("fadeBack called"); }; I call that function from my Flash file like so: import flash.external.*;"fadeBack"); This works in both…
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3 answers

CSS: clear: left working too well?

I have an issue every now and again and I'm not sure what the solution is. I have a 2 column layout (left strit, and then main area). In the main area, I sometimes have a secondary 2 column layout (eg - for a news section, where there is an icon,…
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1 answer

Can't change volume in HTML5 Audio tag in FireFox

On this page I'm using a regular
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