Questions tagged [firefox-3]

Version 3 of the Mozilla Firefox browser. Released on June 17, 2007. This version was supported until March 30, 2010.

Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser developed for Microsoft Windows, OS X and Linux (including Android) coordinated by Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation. Firefox uses the Gecko layout engine to render web pages, which implements current and anticipated web standards. wikipedia

90 questions
3 answers

What are the rendering differences between FF2 and FF3?

I've noticed slight spacing differences in HTML rendering between these versions in Windows XP. Is the box-model interpreted in a slight different manner?
Gonçalo Veiga
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A bidirectional scale in Firefox extension

I am writing a firefox extension where I need a bidirectional scale element ( While the sample code of this xul element talks about a scale in one direction, how can I make a scale which can have a slider…
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4 answers

Why doesn't || seem to work as a coalesce/default operator in JavaScript?

I've seen a couple of web pages say that a = b || 'blah' should assign 'blah' to a if b is undefined or null. But if I type that into Firebug or use it in code, it complains that b is not defined, at the list on FF3/win. Any hints? Edit: I'm…
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3 answers

HTML Click Works in IE, not FireFox, Chrome

This has got to be something simple: I set up a frames page with two possible sources for the target frame based on a form with two options. I used the OnClick event to trap the user's click to show the appropriate page. It works fine in Internet…
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5 answers

Pulling in Dynamiclly Generated (not a static file) CSS in FF?

Is there any way of pulling in a CSS stylesheet into FireFox 2 or 3 that is not a static file? Bellow is the code we are using to pull in a stylesheet dynamically generated by a CGI script.
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4 answers

How to get image transparency working on IE

I have a GIF image that has an alpha set, and when my site loads in Firefox 3.0, it acts transparently on the parts of the image that should. However, when I try to load the GIF image in IE7, it comes back as a solid block. Actually, it is like…
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2 answers

Turn all links on a page into https within firefox

Lets just say that I wanted to be extra careful with the website I'm visiting (irrespective of whether the site is offered in https) and wanted to convert every href in the web page received into its https equivalent. Is there a way/add-on to do…
Ryan Fernandes
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6 answers

Updated Firefox Extension - Still says "No updates were found."

I am working on a new version of a firefox extension, but after releasing it, and incrementing the em:version in install.rdf and update.rdf, when I click "Find updates" Firefox reports that "No updates were found." When I run it with debugging on,…
Tom Lianza
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1 answer

Firefox cookies on Linux

Im using Firefox 3 now. I found out that cookies are stored inside a database file called cookies.sqlite Is there any way that I can make my Firefox saves it cookies inside a txt ?
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10 answers

Is Firebug on Firefox 3 stable yet?

I really should upgrade to Firefox 3, but I'm very dependent on Firebug working properly. I know there is a version of Firebug that is supposed to work with Firefox 3, but last time I looked, there seemed to be problems with it. So, for those that…
Mike Berrow
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1 answer

Raphael JS problems in Firefox 3.0.12

I have been working quite a bit with Raphael SVG/VML library, the website states it supports Firefox 3.0+. I have however encountered a problem using the latest version of Raphael and jQuery 1.8.3. I am able to create a paper var paper =…
Jon Taylor
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1 answer

DirectX Firefox Plugin rendering artifacts

QUICK ANSWER: For those of you who reach this page via Google looking for a solution to the same problem, try this quick fix (suggested by Goz) - Add D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE to the behavior flags on your CreateDevice() call. That cleared…
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1 answer

Multiple Instances of Firefox and Visual Studio

After upgrading to FF3.5, I noticed Firebug is slower. A lot slower, it is annoying to debug web applications and have to wait 5 seconds to open a tab. After some googling, I got FF3.0 and FF3.5 running side by side, with different profiles. Now I…
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2 answers

Can I drag files from the desktop to a drop area in Firefox 3.5 and initiate an upload?

I've set a ondrop event on my drop area and it receives an event when I drag an image from my desktop to the drop area. However, according to the Recommended_Drag_Types document: A…
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1 answer

Silverlight 2 Does not render content on IE7 IE8 Firefox 3

I have a very simple silverlight xaml page displays textbox and a button. When i run my application on IE6 it works fine. But for IE7 IE8 and FF3 - it does not display any content. The page is rendering blank.