Questions tagged [filestream]

In .NET framework filestream exposes a Stream around a file, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous read and write operations. ActionScript 3 for AIR 2 and above also uses FileStream, which supports both synchronous and asynchronous read and write operations.

2638 questions
0 answers

Powershell - gzip large file and load to s3 using stream

I'm trying to compress some csv files using gzip and then upload them to S3. I need to use streams to compress and load because the files could be very large and I don't want to write the file back to disk before loading it to s3. I'm new to using…
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Reading in a CSV file for integers

I have a test file set up here trying to read in a CSV file ifstream file;"New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.csv"); string temp; string arr[15]; int size = 0; int index = 0; while (getline(file, temp, ',')) { …
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How to write a sequence of bytes from a file to a byte array without padding the array with null bytes?

I have [13,132,32,75,22,61,50,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] I want [13,132,32,75,22,61,50] I have an array of bytes size 1048576 that I have written to using a file stream. Starting at…
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Centering strings in file c

I have File ,that contains strings with maximum 80 symbols,I need to center them in current file,I have this code now ,but i can't handle fseek,I can't use another file as buffer,struggling on this task for 3 days ,and I would be happy if someone…
1 answer

Consecutively reading data from Excel in C#/NUnit test cases, returns blank data for 2nd Case

I'm trying to write a parameterized NUnit test that executes twice. Each time it runs, it references a different row in a spreadsheet and gets the username and password based on int rowNum. class Test { //Run the test twice …
David Cunningham
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StreamContent doesn't take the length of the stream

I am interacting with dropbox and I get a file by it's path, read it out as a stream, copy the content of that stream into a filestream and use that filestream to make a StreamContent object which I can append to my…
Mout Pessemier
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1 answer

How do I retreive a file from FILESTREAM?

I have installed SQL Server Express on my machine and enabled and configured FILESTREAM to store and retrieve pdf's from SQL Server. I have successfully uploaded files to my table as BLOB's, but I am having difficulty retrieving them. My approach is…
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1 answer

StreamWriter don't writing any text to file

I wrote some code, which should write to file some text: private static FileStream CreateFile() { string _fileName = "znaki.txt"; if(File.Exists(_fileName)) { …
1 answer

Move binary data until specific values from one file to another

I writing a Visual Basic app and stuck at one point: I need that app read the file, select everything before DDS string, cut it from file and paste to new file. Then after edit a DDS insert that header. Problem is, this header before DDS have…
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3 answers

Open filestream from sharepoint file

I want to open a filestream from a sharepoint file (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File) but I don't seem to find out how. I only have access to Microsoft.SharePoint.Client because the Microsoft.SharePoint package can't be installed due to some…
Mout Pessemier
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non invocable member 'File" cannot be used like a method

I have a list of items from the database base that I will like to generate in excel and PDF. I want to do the excel first. I have not done this before, following a tutorial online I was able to get it to return FIle. But the problem is that I got…
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1 answer

Keep getting error : free(): double free detected in tcache2 while reading a file

I am making a program in C that would read a document with a number (supposedly long) and would put them in a dynamic array and then sort the array. I keep on getting the error free(): double free detected in tcache2 and am unsure if it is because…
0 answers

How detect that BitmapEncoder save method is finished

There is i have : public void SaveBitmapSourceToFile(string filePath, BitmapSource img) { BitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder(); encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(img)); using (FileStream fileStream = new…
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1 answer

reading file contents from host PC

I'm currently designing a simple log-in and chat application in Angular. in Order to complete step 2 of a users log-in process, the API requires that I Provide a certain user ID. This user ID is located in a local file on the users PC, more…
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1 answer

changing content of fs.createReadstream

I have requirement such that I am reading a file on express request as follows: const fs = require('fs'); const os = require('os'); const path = require('path'); var express = require("express"); app = express(); app.get('/getdata', function (req,…
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