Questions tagged [filemerge]

This tag is used to indicate the process uses the merging of two or more files.

63 questions
1 answer

how do i merge excel files with devexpress

I trying to merge two Excel files with Devexpress library. I don't have any errors but there isn't happening anything. Debug also looking good. I can see sheet names etc. I use this manual to merge…
1 answer

Source tree is not launching External merge tool when I choose to resolve conflict using external merge tool

Source tree is not launching external merge tool for few files with extension .java . Source tree is showing conflicts in few files. When I select resolve conflict -> Launch external merge tool, it just shows a popup for less then one second and…
1 answer

How to make file flatten while merging two PDF using IronPdf?

I have two PDF files and I want to merge two PDF files in single PDF files using IronPDF (reference from Here is the code I am using var PDFs = new List(); foreach (var file in files) …
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How to get source of new merged image after merged images with Canvas?

I used canvas html tag. And I loaded two images into canvas. And I could saw two images in canvas tag. But when i try to get new image' src by using canvas.toDataURL(), i can't get and i take this error(Tainted canvases may not be…
Sezer K.
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1 answer

To output the merged file into a json file

Please let me know how to merge 2 json files into a new json file. I used jq , and used the below command: jq -s add file1.json file2.json > Output.json But I am not getting the output in json ascii encode. While pasing I get an error : Failed…
Nitin Rao
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2 answers

Filemerge with git - It's all gone horribly wrong

Following this tutorial to the letter, whenever I now run a diff, I get the following: ~~$ git diff fatal: cannot exec '/Users/john/': Permission denied external diff died, stopping at footer.php. This is obviously undesirable!! How…
Mild Fuzz
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How to get meld to ignore data type differences?

I'm using meld to merge a large file. The compiler for the source platform uses slightly different data type definitions, and it'd help if there were a way to make meld ignore the data type differences. For example, it'd be nice if it would ignore…
Jim Fell
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2 answers

combining few jpgs(and a txt) to a single jpg file

I have a sort of a canvas on my site, (not canvas though for the need of support in IE) where images are loaded to and modified. At the end of the process I'd like to take all the files used in the canvas and connect them into a (bigger) jpg. My…
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1 answer

How to integrate FileMerge with Komodo 6 IDE?

After reading this post: I've tried using the following command in the "diff options" text box in preferences > source code control > Subversion but it does not work. --diff-cmd…
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2 answers

Swift - merge files

How can I merge files in Swift / iOS ? The FileManager can move and copy items but I've seen nothing about merging files. I'd like to have something like FileManager.default.merge(files: [URL], to location: URL) throws Files can potentially be big,…
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1 answer

Using OS X FileMerge/opendiff to view git differences, loading all files at once in the directory view

We are version controlling our project using git. Developing under OS X, we'd like to use the FileMerge application distributed with the development tools to display git generated differences: If we understood correctly, it is possible to configure…
Ad N
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2 answers

Merging multiple text files into one and related problems

I'm using Windows 7 and Python 3.4. I have several multi-line text files (all in Persian) and I want to merge them into one under one condition: each line of the output file must contain the whole text of each input file. It means if there are nine…
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1 answer

bash -- merging and manipulation 2 files

I have 2 files of which I currently manipulate each one in awk: ======================= File 1: =================== 0x0002 RUNNING EXISTS foo 253 65535 0x0003 RUNNING EXISTS foo 252 5 0x0004 RUNNING EXISTS foo 251 3 I'm interested in the…
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1 answer

better way to get file1 and file2 union content via linux file command?

There is a file1 and another file file2, then my solution to get the union file of file1 and file2 is: step: get the intersection set file comm -1 -2 file1 file2 >>intersectionFile step: get the complement set file of file1 comm -1 -3 file1 file2…
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1 answer

Xcode - iOS - Is there a way to compare contents of two apps?

I know I can use FileMerge to compare app pages. Is there a way to compare entire apps? I have an old version and a new version. There are a lot of changes, and comparing page by page is not proving useful. Thanks
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