Questions tagged [filecompare]

47 questions
2 answers

Test if the lines in file1 are a subset of the lines in file2

I have tried searching for an answer online but unfortunately without success. Therefore I am asking here: I am trying to figure out if all lines in file1 are present in file2. Luckily I can just compare entire lines rather than individual words…
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1 answer

Verify if the uploading file is as same as the downloaded file

In java is there a way to verify if the user uploading file is as same as the one he just downloaded (other than by using the file name). For an example, if the user is given a certain template to download and fill, and then upload the same, How can…
Sandun Chathuranga
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1 answer

Compare two text files and find the difference

How to get the lines of text in a txt file, if I compare 2 text files. I have 2 test files. mba.txt and mbanew.txt mba.txt Pre-Validation/SalesandServiceinvoicing,SalesandServiceinvoicing …
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1 answer

How to compare two file structures in PHP?

I have a function which gives me the complete file structure upto n-level, function getDirectory($path = '.', $ignore = '') { $dirTree = array (); $dirTreeTemp = array (); $ignore[] = '.'; $ignore[] = '..'; $dh =…
OM The Eternity
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2 answers

How to distinguish data from CSV files

I have two csv files, and both have same data structure. ID - Join_date - Last_Login I want to compare and get the exactly matching records numbers based on this example: the first files has 100 records, of which 20 are not included in the 2nd…
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3 answers

Implement recursive hashing algorithm

let's say file A has the bytes: 2 5 8 0 33 90 1 3 200 201 23 12 55 and I have a simple hashing algorithm where I store the sum of the last three consecutive bytes so: 2 5 8 - = 8+5+2 = 15 0 33 90 - = 90+33+0 = 123 1 3 200 - =…
Tono Nam
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3 answers

Free/OpenSource .NET Diff generator?

I'm looking for a free library that can take two strings and produce a diff much like the diff's you see on edit revisions here on SO. I'm hoping one exists, as this is a trivial part of an app I'm working on and I'd hate to waste time reinventing…
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0 answers

Print differences between directories in one text file, and matches in another

I have tried the below code to compare 2 Drives,(D: and M:), which contain the same set of directories, subdirectories and files. Currently I'm getting output in a.txt file like no difference found for files which are similar and getting what…
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0 answers

Powershell: move directory structure - if file exists compare the file modification date-time and append date-time to the name of the older file

I need to move a whole directory structure over an existent directory structure which can be probably 90% similar. The files needed to be moved might have identical name correspondents in the directory target. It would be needed to be made a…
1 answer

Compare by NAME only, and not by NAME + EXTENSION using existing code; Python 3.x

The python 3.x code (listed below) does a great job of comparing files from two different directories (Input_1 and Input_2) and finding the files that match (are the same between the two directories). Is there a way I can alter the existing code…
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0 answers

Comparing two pipe-delimited files, row by row, wherein rows are not in order in another file, using Python

I have two text files with a huge number of records, the records are pipe-delimited. I need to compare both the text files for similarity in data on both files. Say, File1 and File2 should have the same records. However, even though they have the…
0 answers

Can anyone explain the output of FC?

I am comparing two CSV files but have a hard time understanding what it's trying to tell me. Comparing files Dollar.csv and NODOLLAR.CSV ***** Dollar.csv : 5 9 ***** NODOLLAR.CSV : 3 3 This is the output, can anyone explain what it means?
1 answer

Compare filename only for files 2 folder using FC

i know the to compare files in 2 folder in window can use command fc [path A]* [path B]* but if i want to compare filename only, what parameter i need to add or any other command in windows cmd prompt?
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1 answer

Compare data from one worksheet to another workbook without opening it

Can anyone help me out with this VBA Macros query? I want to compare a worksheet with another worksheet in a different workbook. However, I don't want to open that workbook when comparing. I just want to changes to be shown in the current worksheet…
0 answers

How to compare stdin with a file in Windows batch?

I want to write a auto code judge on Windows. Now I need to compare the output of test program with correct output. I know I need to use "fc", but I don't know how to write a command like that in Unix: ./hello.out < | diff - 1.out in…
Lizhi Liu
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