Questions tagged [fiddlercore]

FiddlerCore allows you to integrate HTTP/HTTPS traffic viewing and modification capabilities into your .NET application, without any of the Fiddler UI

152 questions
1 answer

C# PhantomJSDriver with Fiddler proxy and HTTP authentication: traffic not captured

I am trying to navigate to an application on a localhost site that requires authentication using PhantomJSDriver and passing username:password into the URL. In order to capture response codes I'm using a Fiddler proxy from Jim Evan's example…
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Fiddler Core not capturing anything

I wanted to test FiddlerCore. Found this -> I wrote it but for me it not capturing. My code: delegate void UpdateUI(); public Form1() { …
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How to install Fiddler's root certificate in Machine Root store

How can we install the Fiddler root certificate in the machine root store using Fiddler Core ? We can do it with certmgr, but it would be great to do it using FiddlerCore. It seems it has methods to test and install everything except for the machine…
1 answer

How do I read the content of a web response?

How do I read the content of a web response? I tried using FiddlerCore to inspect the respones. It is possible to isolate the correct request and response. But I am only able to get the header of the file being sent. I need the content. but it is…
Kasper Hansen
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1 answer

Fiddler Core C# - converting forms application to a C# command prompt project

I followed a tutorial on the web on how to build a fiddlercore C# application which grabs the post URLs and output them to listbox1. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using…
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2 answers

Relay chunked response in Proxy

I just wrote an SSL supporting HTTP 1.1/1.0 proxy putting together some code for past two days. I used the HTTPWebResponse/HTTPWebRequest class to get the data from the Server. While relaying data from the server I send the headers first to the…
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2 answers

How to reliably categorize HTTP sessions in proxy to corresponding browser' windows/tabs user is viewing?

I was using the Fiddler core .NET library as a local proxy to record the user activity in the web. However, I ended up with a problem which seems dirty to solve. I have a web browser say Google Chrome, and the user opened like 10 different tabs each…
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1 answer

Changing IE Proxy in C#

I am using FiddlerCore to write some automate test cases. THe problem which i am facing is sometimes fiddler does not shut down properly and hence the proxy remains set in IE. And the next time a test runs the pages does not load, as fiddler is…
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2 answers

Why is a List getting additional sessions from a later run

I am using fiddlercore to capture session information to run a compare on the data in a particular response. One of the things I am noticing that I don't understand is that I am getting session information from the second environment into the List…
Dan Snell
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0 answers

Fiddler cannot get response from long running method

I have used Fiddler to post manually to a method of my service for testing. And This is a long running method (taking several minutes). But after my method return, Fiddler didn't show the response (just hyphen - in the Result column). Please give me…
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1 answer

Testing failing when running selenium grid using fiddler core

I am using fiddler core to inject headers on web requests. The tests run fine with a single thread. However when running the tests with multiple threads. The tests fails. Its seems that fiddler core is not able to handle multiple instances. Any…
1 answer

utilSetResponseBody FiddlerCore doesn't do anything

oSession.utilDecodeResponse(); body = oSession.GetResponseBodyAsString(); if (body.Contains("")) { oSession.utilSetResponseBody(body.Replace("", "