Questions tagged [featherlight.js]

Featherlight is a very lightweight jQuery lightbox.

Featherlight is very, very lightweight. 400 lines of JavaScript, 100 of CSS, less than 6kB combined.

Getting Started:

All styling is done using CSS so you'll want to include the Featherlight CSS in your head.

<link href="//" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" title="Featherlight Styles" />

Useful Links:

178 questions
6 answers

Disable prettyPhoto WordPress (Visual Composer)

Hi I'm trying to get WP Featherlight setup as the default lightbox, right now Visual Composer is using prettyPhoto. So I need to disable it, so that WP Featherlight will overwrite it. I asked wpbakery and I got this response. Hello, you can…
7 answers

How can I configure Featherlight to support tabindex within the modal?

My form (look at the demo fiddle here, and I've also pasted some code below) seems not to support tabindex inside the Featherlight modal. I think it's because of this part of Featherlight here. How can I display a form within a modal and still let a…
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Featherlight.js - Large images still scrolling

I'm using version 1.3.3 of featherlight.js, and I'm still getting vertical scrolling on large images. For whatever reason, things aren't resizing quite properly. To reproduce, just throw a link to a really large image in there and run featherlight -…
Mickey Kay
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1 answer

How to add description text in FeatherLight Image Gallery?

Trying to figure out how to add a text description to featherlight.js lightbox image gallery. Does anybody know or have any experience? Here's an example of how the html is laid out:
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Using KnockoutJS with JQuery lightbox

I am making a KnockoutJS application where it should be possible to view products and when clicking them a detailed view of the selected product should be displayed to the user and an overlay should be put over the other products. I have managed to…
Fredrik Salin
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1 answer

Owl Carousel 2 and Featherlight.js – mouseDrag causes opening of the lightbox

In a project I am using Owl Carousel in combination with featherlight. In Owl Carousel it you have the possibility to activate "mouseDrag" so you can drag the carousel with your mouse. This works fine! Also when I have real hyperlinks inside a slide…
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2 answers

Load html with featherlight

I'm trying to load HTML content via javascript code (not via target in HTML) with Featherlight, but not really sure what I'm doing wrong. Following code gives me no errors and it pops up a small empty Modal, and does not load the HTML in…
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2 answers

Prevent background scrolling on open of lightbox

I'm using Featherlight as a lightbox. One problem I have is that went it opens, the background remains scrollable. A fix that most lightboxes need is adding a class to the body with overflow:hidden; on it. How can I do that on open of the lightbox,…
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1 answer

featherlight.js - possible to use it together with img-zoom WITHIN the lightbox?

I´ve been trying (and searching) since days, but didn´t got my idea work... I use the featherlight lightbox to display HTML content (text with some images). Because of some pics are very small, i´d like to have an image-zoom on them. Example of the…
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1 answer

Featherlight.js plugin: lightbox's width issue when content is an iframe

Using Featherlight jQuery plugin and setting text as the content of my lightbox, my lightbox's width is about 80% of the screen: But if I replace the text by a YouTube iframe, the lightbox's width is reduced to 500px or so,…
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2 answers

featherlight gallery touch example

please show me an example of the featherlight using the touch libraries to enable swiping (navigating images). according to the website there are three libraries supported…
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Running code when featherlight lightbox is open and when closed, like callback

Is there a way to run code when featherlight lightbox is opened? And again when it is closed? Is there a hook or something so that I can run code after the lightbox is opened? I couldn't find examples on the github page…
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1 answer

can't reopen featherlight div after closing it

I've started using FeatherLight and have a small problem: I have a simple div. Here is its code: Basically i can open the lightbox and it is shown perfectly and everything is ok - UNTIL i…
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1 answer

Manually open Featherlight Gallery with text content

I'd like to display 1 or more content details in a featherlight gallery, so users can swipe or click from page to page, and then close to return to their previous tasks. The content might look something like this:
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2 answers

featherlight.js trigger close from the iFrame

I use featherlight to open a image upload/resize/cropping page via an iFrame. I would like to call the closeTrigger as soon as the user hits save (within the iFrame) so that they don't need to close it manually I'm a bit confused about this. I've…
Canelo Digital
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