Questions tagged [facebook]

Facebook Platform lets developers integrate their apps directly into the Facebook social networking service. Use this tag for questions which may arise when developing FOR Facebook. This tag is NOT for support questions about using the Facebook website or the official Facebook app. It is also NOT for questions of the “I want to implement a feature similar to what Facebook has” variety.

The Facebook Platform is a software environment provided by the social networking service Facebook for third-party developers to create their own applications and services that access data in Facebook. It lets developers integrate their applications directly into the Facebook social networking service.

The platform offers a set of programming interfaces and tools which enable developers to integrate with the of personal relations and other things like songs, places, and Facebook pages. Applications on, external websites, and devices are all allowed to access the graph. Launched on May 24, 2007, Facebook Platform has evolved from enabling development just on to one also supporting integration across the web and devices.


Facebook SDKs





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Non-developer questions

For questions from a user perspective, (such as uploading your photos, privacy settings, who can post to your wall, etc.) please refer to our sister site Web Applications.

More information:

85220 questions
4 answers

How to get the list of Facebook friends who have not installed the app?

I'm developing a social networking app. I've integrated Facebook SDK 3.14 in my iOS App. Now, I want to get the list of all my Facebook friends so I can invite those friends who are not using the app and send friend requests to those friends who…
Kirit Modi
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1 answer

Graph API bug? /{group-id}/feed endpoint gives inconsistent results

tl;dr getting a group's feed returns inconsistent #s of posts This apparent bug seems to affect both v1.0 and v2.0 of the Facebook Graph API. I am an admin of a closed Facebook group with ~1800 posts. I would like to return all of the posts in that…
Avi Romanoff
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2 answers

Android Webview and Facebook Login Not working

I am having a problem with a WebView app that I am working on. We have this responsive website that is being displayed through an android WebView. The website has a Sign in with Facebook option, this works fine in a mobile browser and on the website…
Gayan Hewa
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5 answers

single page application can't get current page meta tag for facebook share

I'm trying to implement the facebook share button in my app, however I can't seem to get it to work on and idk why this is what I have so far. html(/post/some-random-string)
John Lim
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0 answers

How do I authenticate an Instagram user who created an account with Facebook in an iOS app?

I've created an iOS app that allows a user to log in with Instagram. I use a web view to display Instagram's authorization page as detailed here. This works great for Instagram users who signed up with a user name and password. However, Instagram…
Paul Crowder
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2 answers

Facebook API For Pulling Reviews

Has anyone seen a full example of how to pull facebook reviews using the graph api. According to the docs: A page access token is required to retrieve this data. I have code that asks a user to login already and gets an auth token which I can use to…
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4 answers

PHP cURL to login to facebook

I am attempting to login to Facebook using curl, but everything I have tried has ended up in Facebook saying, "Cookies are not enabled on your browser. Please enable cookies in your browser preferences to continue." $login_email =…
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1 answer

How can I know if a node returned from Facebook Graph API is a profile or a page?

I one part of a site I'm programming, users can add facebook pages to a list manually by manually entering the username or id of each page. Once submitted, I connect to Facebook graph API to check that all provided ids or usernames are valid. I can…
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5 answers

Facebook Sharer - Title and summary Customization

I'm working in a project with Django and I'm trying to share pages in facebook and twitter I have problems on facebook, I want to customize the Title and summary shared, to change the text when you share an Index Page and any other page. I tried…
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6 answers

{Session state:OPENING, token:{AccessToken token:ACCESS_TOKEN_REMOVED permissions:[]}, appId:1xxxxxxxxxxx}

I want to implement Facebook Login in my application, but here I am getting problem while trying to login i.e : **{Session state:OPENING, token:{AccessToken token:ACCESS_TOKEN_REMOVED permissions:[]}, appId:1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}** and sometimes this…
Gaurav Arora
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2 answers

Working example of latest android facebook sdk login

I am working on custom facebook login button, I found that there is little source (especially working code example) about the latest facebook android sdk. I spent all day but still the code is not working. I wonder if there is any project example or…
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3 answers

UIActivityViewController: How to get if the activity is completed or not

I am using UIActivityViewController in that i added facebook, twitter and mail. After i complete share activity using any one of these feature how can i get the success callback. Any ideas can be appreciated,
Maniganda saravanan
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1 answer

adding facebook like buttons dynamically after loading

I am attempting to add like buttons to a page using the standard like button code as proided in the fb documentation: This is causing extremely slow loading due to the number of buttons I…
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2 answers

Flask - function mapping is overwriting an existing endpoint function

I am trying to get the flask framework to work with Facebook. I'm doing this with flask_canvas. I followed the example for flask_canvas in the documentation (found here: but I keep getting the…
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4 answers

Like and Share buttons in webpage cause javascript warnings and php error

I have added basic Facebook "Like/Share" buttons to a webpage, using code copied directly from the Facebook Developers page. There are 2 parts to the code: a javascript block and a div tag with a class of "fb-like" Heres the javascript:
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