Questions tagged [facebook-friends]

Questions related to Facebook Friends with facebook SDKs.

You can ask questions about usage of facebook friends in different SDKs like.

  1. Getting facebook friends list
  2. Checking facebook friends or not
  3. Messaging Friends
  4. Getting app friends
  5. Invite friends
  6. etc.
144 questions
1 answer

Facebook friends list is empty, just for one specific user

Simply executing this query aiming to list all my friend's friends: GET I obtain an empty data entry. => as if it had 0 friends. (but he has…
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Facebook friends

I am trying this code and I have problem with it problem is it is returning only single friends or registered friends Code : new Request( FacebookVariables.fbSession, "/me/friends", null, …
1 answer

RETRIEVING FACEBOOK FRIEND LIST- in compliance with the recent sdk changes

I'm interested in getting the user's friend list in my android application on facebook login. Can anyone please guide me as to what needs to be done? Since Facebook made new changes in he Graph API on the 10th of July. I'm a little hesitant in…
1 answer

Retrieve facebook friend's id in javascript

I'm looking for a snippet to get ids of friends who use my app. I wrote this: FB.api('/me/friends', function(response) { amis =; console.log(amis[].id); }); On login I asked for {scope:'public_profile , user_friends'});
1 answer

Can my app access to the Facebook friend list of my users' friends?

I am trying to know if it is possible for my app to access to its users' second degree friends (the friend of the friend of my user).
1 answer

i cannot display my friends list in my personal html code and php code

CREATE TABLE `friends` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `user_one` varchar(55) NOT NULL, `user_two` varchar(55) NOT NULL, `friendship_official` enum('0','1') NOT NULL) CREATE TABLE `registration` ( `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `u_firstname`…
1 answer

How graph api get latest tagged friend in any post?

How can I get latest tagged friend post/comment/media whatever user tagged or friend of user tagged it. Is it about mention-tagging ? FYI : The idea of app that I trying to do is get how many days since user and selected friend were in the same…
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How to get all my facebook friends with latest version of graph api

I tried me/friends but it gives me only the app used friends. How to retrieve all my friends using the latest API
1 answer

Facebook friends list in swift

I want a list of other Facebook friends that have logged into my app, but the code below is not working. I know I have other friends on the app but all it prints is "data(); totalCount(796);" Why is data always empty? let params = ["fields": "id,…
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