Questions tagged [facebook-chat]

For questions relating to Facebook's Chat API (now deprecated with v2.0)

This tag is for questions from developers relating to Facebook's Chat API which has been deprecated with v2.0. This tag is NOT for questions regarding how to use chat in Facebook.

Some documentation is available at

198 questions
3 answers

How to move Facebook chat box above/below or right/left?

Facebook chat box (Customer Chat SDK) overlaps one of the buttons on my website. How I can to move it above?
1 answer

How do I connect to Facebook chat using Username/Password auth option and successfully send a message in either Javascript or Ruby?

I have tried using the node-xmpp package and blather gem. I got the furthest with blather, but succeeded with neither. Blather attempt: Node-xmpp…
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2 answers

the facebooks 'xyz is typing' feature?

Doesd anyone has any idea of how to make the feature like Facebook uses in chat, where when you start typing it shows up on the users screen? I have a complete working chat based on user id,s but unble to make this. The chat is working using…
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