Questions tagged [extensibility]

Extensibility is a system design principle where the implementation takes future growth into consideration. For iOS app extensions, use [ios-app-extension].

282 questions
1 answer

Caching MEF Components

Is there a way to cache MEF components graph per-application startup (WPF), like the MAF do to avoid discovering the directories and constructing the components graph every application startup. in order to speed up my application startup. MAF uses…
Henka Programmer
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In a Visual Studio Extension, get the line range of the function in which the debugger is stopped

I have a Visual Studio extension that hooks into debugging events. When the debugger stops at a line of code, my IDebugEventCallback2 callback gets called, and I can find out the filename and line number where the debugger has stopped via…
2 answers

How to Develop Dynamic Plug-In Based Functionality in C#

I've been looking around for different methods of providing plug-in support for my application. Ideally, I will be creating a core functionality and based on different customers developing different plug-ins/addons such as importing, exporting data…
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Architecture for extension/plugin communication

Once the problem of loading plugins is solved (in .NET through MEF in out case), the next step to solve is the communication with them. The simple way is to implement an interface and use the plugin implementation, but sometimes the plugin just…
Marc Climent
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How to create custom project that inherits from c# using MPF?

Using Visual Studio's Managed Package Framework, how can I inherit from C# so I can have C# property pages and C# project items? I've tried making a flavored project, but it was limited in terms of making our own custom nodes and custom file…
5 answers

Visual Studio Extensibility: Adding existing folders to a project

I'm trying to use Visual Studio 2008's extensibility to write an addin that will create a project folder with various messages in it after parsing an interface. I'm having trouble at the step of creating/adding the folder, however. I've tried using…
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Haskell not using the more specific instance of a typeclass

I've been having trouble the past few days figuring out whether something I'm trying to do is actually feasible in Haskell. Here is some context: I am trying to code a little markup language (akin to ReST) where the syntax already enables custom…
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In a VS 2017 custom project system, how can I make a project item bold in the Solution Explorer?

I'm writing a project system extension for VS 2017, and each project in my language has one file that's the "startup file". I want that file to appear bold in the Solution Explorer. Python Tools for VS does what I'm looking for, but my extension is…
1 answer

Where should I attach solution or project events in my Visual Studio add-in?

Can anyone suggest the best place to add solution or project events, such as ProjectAdded, to a Visual Studio add-in? If I do this when the add-in connects then there's no solution loaded, so how can I tell when a solution has been loaded? For…
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Extending visual studio

I want to write an AddIn for visual studio (2010). My goal is to add a menuitem to the context menu of all .cs files in the solution explorer. Or maybe just to context menu of the code window, although I prefer the first thing. I've been browsing…
Klaus Byskov Pedersen
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2 answers

Using MEF with C#, how do I call methods on the host, from the plugin?

I am trying to add plugin extensibility to my C# application using the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) framework, and so far it is going ok; I have my main/host application loading plugins from a defined folder, and can call their methods etc.…
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5 answers

A guide to Boo's metaprogramming and extensibility features?

I'm interested in learning about Boo's more powerful features such as syntactic macros, parser support (Ometa?), compiler pipeline, etc. My impression is that these areas have been in flux and somewhat under-documented. Are there any good…
Mike K
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2 answers

How to extend project properties page?

Is it possible to add a custom tab to a project properties page in the Visual Studio 2008? What I want to do is to be able to add a custom tab to properties page for the projects created from default project templates (WPF Application, WPF custom…
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1 answer

Get Access property of a CodeElement

I'm writing an Add-in for VS 2010. Can't find answer for a question - How can i get the Access property of a CodeElement if it has that one. I was trying reflection, but no results. Ex. CodeElement is a class method public void GetAccess…
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Resolving template block structure conflicts with third-party django apps

When incorporating a third-party django app, I typically want it to be integrated aesthetically with the rest of my django project. While this is typically a matter of overriding the apps 'base.html' (if that), we all structure our templates a…
Bryan Head
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