Questions tagged [executioncontext]

Refers to concept of an environment where code is evaluated and executed. This refers to global and function execution contexts, how control is switched between, how binding occurs in context etc.

Execution context is abstract concept of programming and is closely related to executing code itself and order how it will executed (execution stack), how pointers to objects are created and used and how they're divided from each other. Because of abstract nature of concept itself Execution context is closely tied to particular implementation in programming languages (Javascript for example). Check related tags


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155 questions
1 answer

What is the difference between scala's Execution Context and play's Execution Context

Scala has its Execution Context as import Ans Play has its own Execution Context import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext Whats is the main difference and which one…
Arpit Suthar
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1 answer

Why doesn't ConfigureAwait(false) work with Task.Run/Task.Yield?

Here is a little test I wrote. Assert.False(ExecutionContext.IsFlowSuppressed()); // Precondition await Task.Run(() => Task.Yield()).ConfigureAwait(false); var isSuppressed =…
Tim Lovell-Smith
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0 answers

Javascript Execution context memory management

I have been struggling to get an answer for my question but not good. In javascript when the Interpreter initialize an execution context , is the size of it determined, if so what would happen if one of the data members (lets say array) exceeds this…
Amer Qarabsa
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2 answers

issue when access outer function scope in JS

Why the following happens? function f1() { this.myRefVar = 30; this.myRefVar2 = 30; var parent = this; return function() { this.myRefVar = 20; console.log('parent contains ' + Object.keys(parent).filter(function(k)…
Muhammad Hewedy
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2 answers

Issue with this Javascript code (I think with the execution context)

On resize I want the code to run the first if statement: "I think this is too small". On the second resize I want it to run the first alternate: "I think this is too big". It only runs one, is it because the variable adjustment is local only and…
1 answer

Javascript: Execute function with different execution context

Is there a way to change the execution context of a Javascript function manually at execution time? I am not talking about changing the this reference to point to a different object - I know this can be done with…
Johannes H.
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1 answer

Posting a Task to the Web Consoles Execution(Management) Context

In the apache brooklyn web interface we would like to display some content for the sytsem managers. The content is too long to be served as a simple sensor value. Our idea was to create a task and write the content into the output stream of the…
4 answers

Understanding javascript hoisting and execution context

b(); console.log(a); var a = 'Hello World'; function b(){ console.log('Called b!'); } I have read about the term "hoisting", but it isn't pretty clear to me. Why does the function gets executed while the variable is set to undefined? The…
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2 answers

Can i run javascript in global execution context without eval

I am writing php framework that extracts Javascript blocks to merge, minify and execute them asynchronously. So i like to delay Javascript code execution, to do that i wrap the javascript in MyLib.then(function(){ //orignial code from the…
1 answer

Future map's (waiting) execution context. Stops execution with FixedThreadPool

// 1 fixed thread implicit val waitingCtx = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1)) // "map" will use waitingCtx val ss = (1 to 1000).map {n => // if I change it to 10 000 program will be…
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1 answer

Javascript: Understanding the Weird Parts - function scope not working as described

I have tried to rewrite this a million ways and can't figure out how Tony Alicea produces the outcome 1, 2, undefined, 1 from this code: function b() { var myVar; console.log(myVar); } function a() { myVar = 2; console.log(myVar) …
1 answer

How javascript retains the outer function's execution context when an inner function is returned?

I'm reading these two blogs: execution context and scope chain published by David Shariff diving depth into javascript's execution context and scope chain concept. One thing not clear to me after reading the above blogs is how javascript prevents a…
Aaron Shen
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2 answers

How can I get the execution context of a javascript function inside V8 engine

I want to know the JS functions' calling relationship by getting the execution context or more specifically scope chain of a JS function. Consider this example: function one() { var a = 1; two(); function two() { var b = 2; …
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1 answer

Are Execution Context and Variable Object actually same thing in JavaScript?

Title says it all. I am so confused about whole concept of execution context in JavaScript. I understand that each execution context is associated with one variable object, and variable object stores declared variables, functions and formal…
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0 answers

storing Map/List datatype in jobExecutionContext

there's a spring batch job which stores map/list in jobexeutioncontext for biz logic, and if it failed first-time and tried restart it, it always occurred error like below : java.lang.InstantiationError: java.util.Map$Entry at…
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