Questions tagged [excel-udf]

User-defined functions (UDFs) are VBA procedures that typically take inputs (although inputs are not mandatory) to return a result to either a worksheet cell, or to another VBA procedure. By design UDF's that are called from a worksheet should only return a value to the cell from where the function was called - the UDF should not modify the contents or formatting of any cell, or the operating environment of Excel (there are workarounds to this design).

90 questions
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Using PublishObject.Publish() in background thread resets workbook's calculation mode

I'm creating an Excel Add-in that implements IDTExtensibility2 and has one function that publishes a range off the worksheet using Excel's PublishObjects I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and Excel 2007, the following is my code: public class AddIn :…
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Nested if statement within a for loop

I am modifying a User Defined Function which I wrote. It removes special characters from a cell (I have posted about this same function a handful of times, as I keep expanding it and learning more about the capabilites of VBA). What I am trying to…
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Excel UDF to count errors

I was trying to write an UDF in Excel VBA which would count errors (#NA!, #REF!...). I tried to translate Excel formulas into VBA language bud did not succed. Does somebody know a solution? Thanks
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Excel VBA UDF that return value will override itself

Can I write a UDF in Excel VBA where the return value from the function will override the cell value from it is called from? The function get information with a sql request. In this case it's only master data for example the item description. If the…
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Argument type validation in the Function Wizard

In Excel, the DATE function for example shows "=number" against each field. If I enter a string in these fields in place of a number, I get the #VALUE! error. Can similar functionality be achieved with Excel-DNA?
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Find current column for Excel automation add-in

I am trying to create Excel Automation Add-ins with C# to add new functions to Excel. Like this example: I am quite new to programming such add-ins. One of these functions calculates…
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VBA user-defined function to copy value, text formation and hyperlink of a cell?

Given a sample plain excel file here, what is the VBA code to copy value, formation and hyperlink of a cell? i.e. At cell B5 we will call =myCopyCellFunction(B2) and we will get the exact cell value at B2
Nam G VU
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Excel Formula to type in numeric value of green cells in the same row

I would like some help in entering a formula in excel VBA I assume to enter all numbers of a certain highlighted color (green in this case) in a different column but is in the same row within a column range. Excel Table 1 To help make things…
2 answers

Creating UDF using VBA in excel to find similar values in a row where order does not matter

I am dealing with unlimited new rows of data every day and I need a UDF that would find similar row values regardless of its order. As you can see in the example bellow A9:F9 and A4:F4 has a similar row values marked as SIMILAR ROW 1. You need to…
1 answer

Find average of top and bottom n percent of range with extra condition

Example: Part, Qty Book, 1 Book, 2 Book, 3 Book, 4 Book, 5 Book, 6 Book, 7 Book, 8 Book, 9 Book, 10 Pen, 4 Pen, 7 I'm trying to calculate the book qty average of top 10% in the range B:B. Tried getting it to work with an…
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VBA Excel: User Defined Function

FIXED: check user3964075's comment Need help with my simple code below: it's basically a different version of vlookup where you can also specify which row to look for. asda(fval, rng, fcol, rcol) fval is what the user is looking for rng is the…
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Limits reached in INDEX(MATCH()) when taking array as argument to look in

I use this formula: =IFERROR(IF(MATCH(transf(E7);transf(Sheet2!$C$2:$C$66648);0)>0;"YES");"no") transf is a UDF which simply converts/transforms the actual text value in cell to lowercase and does some other stuff (not the subject for this…
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Way too long of a function but I need it - can it be done in VBA?

Because of severe lack of knowledge, I made a ridiculously long function so that I could make my calculation. The problem is that it is too long for Excel, and I tried looking online to see how I could maybe make a new function in VBA that…
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3 answers

Returning values if it is greater than and less than to a specific value using UDF

I am currently working on a UDF which returns and concatenates the headers if it is greater than and less than to a specific value. I’m not really good in Excel-Vba and what I got so far is this pathetic code which I couldn’t understand anymore. I…
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Macros causing Lag

I am running a program that uses 5 macros and lots of formulas. Some of the macros I have asked for your help on here. After putting the program together there is alot of lag. I mean if we delete a line we have to wait 1 to 2 minutes for it do…
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