Questions tagged [etrade-api]

The E*TRADE Developer Platform enables E*TRADE customers and developers to create their own investment applications that leverage E*TRADE's extensive market data offerings, order-routing capabilities, and other services.

43 questions
1 answer

Javascript Etrade API failure

I am trying to create a javascript application and connect to the Etrade API. Interestingly, I succeeded at the harder stuff like Oauth and received my access token and secret, however when I try to access the actual data I get an 'unauthorized…
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Renewing E*TRADE oauth token using DevDefined.OAuth

I successfully use ETRADE's php sdk to create and renew oauth access tokens. However, I also need to be able to use & renew these tokens from a c# application. I tried using the c# oauth library DevDefined OAuth Etrade (just to renew a token).…
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2 answers

OAuth callback goes into a loop

I'm trying to authenticate my application with the ETrade API using OAuth. After I redirect the browser to ETrade for the user to authenticate, the callback URL is the same page the user started with (I go back to the same page in order to finish…
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2 answers

Non-static method RequestParamsMain::buildFullURL() should not be called statically

I am using the etrade api which is built upon a lot of classes that call a lot of the functions statically. Hence if I change it to "public static function" I will just keep getting these errors. Here is the full error message: Non-static method…
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E*Trade API OAuth Issue

I am having an issue with the OAuthClientImpl.getInstance() method that is on line 26. It is spitting out this error message: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at OAuth.main( Caused by:…
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1 answer

Having Issues with the E*Trade OAuth API (Java)

I'm trying to code a program that will trade stocks in a sandbox environment with the E*Trade API. I am using their sample code as a guideline and currently am getting an issue with the .getAuthorizeURL() method. It says that it is undefined for…
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c++ pass class object by reference?

I am having trouble working with third party dll's, libs and header files. I am trying to call a function and have it return a value with no luck. Here is the function that is suppose to be called. bool COAuthSDK::GetRequestToken(CClientDetails…
2 answers

How do I use Oauth with C++ ?? Etrade API

I am having problems with oauth. Let me start by saying that I have only been studying C++ for about a month. I am working on a Etrade API application. I have been struggling with this for a few weeks. Ok Etrade has provided the header, DLL and…
1 answer

How to use oauth with etrade api C

I am making a C++ api using Etrade. They require you use Oauth1.01a I have searched and I do not see any examples on the web. Can anyone assist?? Thank you very much!!! bool GetRequestToken(CClientDetails &objClientDetails) throw (...); bool…
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2 answers

Am I getting the signature_base correct?

I'm getting logged in correctly and getting the pin now, so I still count that as progress. Can someone check the strings I'm encrypting? What else could 'bad request' mean? First, I get the AccessToken, which generates this signature base …
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1 answer

Modify authorization URL format using requests-oauthlib

I am using requests-oauthlib to authenticate with the ETrade API. It requires the authorization URL to have the following format:{oauth_consumer_key}&token={oauth_token} However, when I call…
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1 answer

trade api data collecting

hi there when i type this data url = '' headers={'X-CoinAPI-Key' : '73034021-0EBC-493D-8A00-E0F138111F41'} response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) x=response.json() print(x) my…
0 answers

Cannot place an SLM order though the code

Attaching the file URL. What I desire from the code is to sell ATM CE and PE of an Index and at the same time put SL of 25% for each of the two trades. Rules: The above selling should happen only once in the time frame entered by the user. SL…
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