Questions tagged [epub]

EPUB (short for electronic publication) is an open XML-based digital book format which uses XHTML and CSS for document content.

EPUB (short for electronic publication) is an open XML-based digital book format which uses XHTML and CSS for document content. It is widely used in electronic ink devices as well as software ereaders. EPUB documents can be created easily using open-source and commercial tools. More information can be found at the International Digital Publishing Forum, which sponsors the EPUB format.

898 questions
1 answer

How to create '.epub' extension file using php?

I'm building a web application which should create '.epub' extension files with the text content that exist on mysql database, I could fetch data from mysql database but unable to create '.epub' file. Is there any way to create '.epub' file using…
1 answer

Upload large ebook file to Amazon

Is there a way to upload a large ebook (above 100MB) like epub/mobi to Amazon? I already try uploading to Amazon, but it says the file exceeds 20MB.
  • 99
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1 answer

Render Epub file to canvas using javascript

I am using epub.js javascript plugin to render epub file in a web application. This is my sample code