Questions tagged [ember.js]

Ember.js is a component-service application framework written in JavaScript. Consider making your question easier to answer by using the preconfigured templates mentioned in this tag's wiki. (Always specify version of ember used when describing your issue)

Ember.js is a application framework distributed under an open source license.

Ember.js provides a templating mechanism based on templates for view components, as well as facilities for an easy and tightly-integrated test process. It is easily embeddable into existing applications.

Getting Help

The Stack Overflow tag is actively monitored by several contributors to Ember. There is also an official Discord server. Other resources can be found on the Ember.js community page

Additionally Ember.js has a page on Debugging: Debugging Ember

Technical questions that are accompanied by working code make it easier for other to help give good answers.

To report bugs against Ember.js, or to propose new functionality, create an issue on the GitHub project.

Packages and add-ons

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Preconfigured Templates

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23749 questions
18 answers

Separate REST JSON API server and client?

I'm about to create a bunch of web apps from scratch. (See for overview.) I'd like for them to be able to be accessed from many different clients: front-end websites, smartphone apps, backend webservices, etc. So I really want…
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3 answers

SPA best practices for authentication and session management

When building SPA style applications using frameworks like Angular, Ember, React, etc. what do people believe to be some best practices for authentication and session management? I can think of a couple of ways of considering approaching the…
1 answer

What are the key differences between Meteor, Ember.js and Backbone.js?

Learning Ember.js / Backbone.js has been on my to-do list for a while. Now that Meteor is out, I am just wondering if anyone with experience of Meteor, Ember.js and Backbone.js can summarize the key differences and pros and cons of these three…
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6 answers

How to implement not with if statement in Ember Handlebars?

I have a statement like this: {{#if IsValid}} I want to know how I can use a negative if statement that would look like that: {{#if not IsValid}}
Kapil Garg
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9 answers

Token Authentication vs. Cookies

What is the difference between token authentication and authentication using cookies? I am trying to implement the Ember Auth Rails Demo but I do not understand the reasons behind using token authentication as described in the Ember Auth FAQ on the…
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3 answers

Views vs Components in Ember.js

I am learning ember.js, and I am trying to understand the difference between a view and a component. I see both as a way of making reusable components. From Ember's website on views: Views in Ember.js are typically only created for the following…
Bradley Trager
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1 answer

What is the difference between a route and resource in New Router API?

I am trying to understand the difference between a Route and a Resource. The way I understand Resource helps to set sub paths of a Route object to another Route Object. But its unclear when i think of default name mapping happening for paths as…
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10 answers

How to architect an Ember.js application

It's been difficult to keep up with the evolution of Ember JS as its approached (and reached!) version 1.0.0. Tutorials and documentation have come and gone, leading to a lot of confusion about best practices and the intent of the original…
Craig Labenz
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0 answers

ember-cli-code-coverage mocha showing 0% coverage when there are tests

I'm using ember-cli-code-coverage with ember-cli-mocha. When I run COVERAGE=true ember test I'm getting 0% coverage for statements, functions, and lines. Yet, I have tests that are covering those sections. Any I missing something in my setup? unit…
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3 answers

Ember.js or Backbone.js for Restful backend

I already know that ember.js is a more heavy weight approach in contrast to backbone.js. I read a lot of articles about both. I am asking myself, which framework works easier as frontend for a rails rest backend. For backbone.js I saw different…
Robin Wieruch
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1 answer

What is Ember RunLoop and how does it work?

I am trying to understand how Ember RunLoop works and what makes it tick. I have looked at the documentation, but still have many questions about it. I am interested in understanding better how RunLoop works so I can choose appropriate method within…
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8 answers

How to use multiple models with a single route in EmberJS / Ember Data?

From reading the docs, it looks like you have to (or should) assign a model to a route like so: App.PostRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function() { return App.Post.find(); } }); What if I need to use several objects in a…
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9 answers

How can I execute array of promises in sequential order?

I have an array of promises that need to run in sequential order. var promises = [promise1, promise2, ..., promiseN]; Calling RSVP.all will execute them in parallel: RSVP.all(promises).then(...); But, how can I run them in sequence? I can…
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9 answers

Recommended way to include bootstrap library in Ember.JS ember-cli App

I am trying to install properly Twitter Bootstrap in my current ember-cli project. I did install bootstrap with bower : bower install --save bootstrap Now the library is downloded in /vendor/bootstrap/dist/(css|js|fonts) I tried what is mentioned…
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6 answers

EmberJS: How to load multiple models on the same route?

While I am not new to web development, I am quite new to to client-side MVC frameworks. I did some research and decided to give it a go with EmberJS. I went through the TodoMVC guide and it made sense to me... I have setup a very basic app; index…
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