Questions tagged [ember-app-kit]

Ember App Kit (EAK) is a robust starter kit for developing applications in Ember.js. EAK makes it easy to develop, build, test, and deploy applications independent of any back-end build process.

From the project page:

Ember App Kit (EAK) is a robust starter kit for developing applications in Ember.js. EAK makes it easy to develop, build, test, and deploy applications independent of any back-end build process.

98 questions
0 answers

Ember-Data - Recursive relationship

I'm using ember-app-kit with ember-data. I have the following two models created using ember-data. Node has a recursive relationship and Tag has a reference to the Node. Node = DS.Model.extend({ name: DS.attr('string'), createdAt:…
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1 answer

Ember App Kit and testing model hook

In Ember App Kit, there are a number of testing examples that ship with the initial repo. One of those is a basic Route Unit test. This test is trivial, if the data is hard-coded in the model hook, like this: test("#model", function(){ …
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ember-app-kit - stubbing the api with data from external files

Just learning ember.js, and started building an app with ember-app-kit. I am using the provided api-stub to stub out the api, but I decided to read in external json files to use as "fixture data". The reason for this decision - I will use the same…
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1 answer

How to get ember's store when testing with ember app kit?

I've create a Post model and i'm trying to write a simple test to check when i set and retrieve the title. I don't know how to get a handle on the store to create the new Post object though. Here's my test: var App; module('Acceptances - Index', { …
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1 answer

Debugging Tests - Getting Testem/Qunit from closing test browser window

Ok, I'm using Ember-App-Kit which uses Testem/Qunit, but I can't figure out how to debug tests, especially since either Testem or Qunit close the QUnit tests window so I can't set any breakpoints, and node debug with debugger doesn't work since it's…
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1 answer

npm ERR! not found: git

When I want to copy the ember-app-kit-master file in my project, I execute cmd: cd C:\Users\hp-pc\Desktop\MyApp then cmd: npm install But I got some errors: npm ERR! not found: git npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed using git. npm ERR! This is most likely…
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1 answer

Ember App Kit partials

I'm trying to get partials working in my ember project which is using ember app kit as the build tool/project structure. But no matter what I try ember app kit's resolver is unable to find my partial. Uncaught Error: The partial company/edit-note…
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2 answers

"New" route being ignored in ember-app-kit

My application keeps generating the default route even though I have the route explicitly defined. I think I'm overlooking a naming convention but googling, stackoverflowing,'ing and plain old cursing at the computer isn't…
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1 answer

Metamorph error when trying to save record

I'm getting a strange error when I'm trying to save some data. Uncaught Error: Cannot perform operations on a Metamorph that is not in the DOM. I've noticed something weird in the actual DOM

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