Questions tagged [embedded-browser]

A browser which can be embedded into your application.

Embedded browser can be a framework, which provides full control over the browser like 1. launch using code. 2. set url using code. 3. control the back, refresh, forward, stop buttons using code.

53 questions
1 answer

How to support window.print() in a embedded web browser using JavaFx java 1.7

I have created an embedded browser using jdk1.7 (and bundled javafx with jdk 7). However a button on html page having onClick="window.print()" is not working. Any idea how can this be fix. Thanks and Regards, Rahul
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2 answers

How to provide cid email attachments to embedded browser

I'm using embedded web browser from Bsalsa to write an email client in Delphi I have a problem with cid embedded attachments such as: I store the attachments in the database but can't figure…
Daniel Maurić
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Choice of embeddable browser

I'm starting to desing С++ Linux program with Qt-based GUI. Now I'm looking for all possible embeddable browsers which I will be able to use in my project. I know about Chromium-based solutions - Berkelium, CEF and Awesomium. Anything else? Also it…
1 answer

Is it possible to have a Chromium browser inside of a plugin?

I'm trying to embed a chromium browser into my C++ plugin, which will be run inside of a host application. This is my first time working with chromium, so please forgive my ignorance. I've got the program running to the point where cef is…
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Device "Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family" (\\.\DISPLAY1) initialization failed :

i tried the below program to execute on my local machine..but it doesn't work. i also tried the sample programs which comes with JavaFx2.1 I tried running the programs using jdk1.6u32…
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Where is the rubymine embedded Web Preview?

Among the features the rubymine's page mentions: Context toolbar opening the page preview in a browser or in an embedded Web Preview. I would like to have the web preview in the IDE, is it possible?
2 answers

Looking for a embedded browser

I am looking for the embedded browser which can be embedded in my java application. It should be a framework which can use the existing browser of OS. It should provide the facility of accessing the various browser controls (back, refresh, stop ...…
1 answer

How would I make a embedded browser in c# non-selectable?

I am currently making an application for someone using an eyegaze system which tracks his eye movements to the screen and uses it as a mouse. When he hovers over a button for a little bit (.6 seconds) it sends a mouse click to the screen where he…
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