Questions tagged [email]

Use this tag for questions involving code to send or receive email messages. Posting to ask why the emails you send are marked as spam is off-topic for Stack Overflow. Questions about configuration of mail servers belong on Server Fault.

Electronic mail, commonly called email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages from a sender to one or more recipients.

Modern email operates across the Internet or other computer networks. Some early email systems required that the sender and the recipient both be online at the same time - a system currently known as Instant messaging. Today's email systems are based on a store-and-forward model. Email servers accept, forward, deliver and store messages. Neither the users nor their computers are required to be online simultaneously; they need connect only briefly, typically to an email server, for as long as it takes to send or receive messages.

Email architecture is rich and varied; you should probably indicate whether your question concerns manipulation, email composition (, , , , etc.), message submission and transport (, ), or a particular mailbox storage and access protocol (, ) or perhaps a particular . There is a large number of additional tags you can use.

Programmers coming from modern protocols such as JSON and HTTP will be surprised to learn about the many layers of standards that they have to work with in order to be able to use 8-bit data, multimedia, Unicode, internationalization, tagged content, etc. The MIME standards in particular should be at least vaguely familiar.


Tag Usage

The tag can be used for any programming related problem in implementing features of emailing messages from one client to another. Ask about specific email server related problems at Server Fault, another Stack Exchange website.

Common problems which are not programming-related include

Related Tags


56205 questions
8 answers

Can I send email programmatically in iPhone app?

I need to be able to send a pre-formatted email or SMS text message programmatically from within an iphone app. Can this be done? I have looked at apple's MFMailComposeViewController class, but this "provides a standard interface that manages the…
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indirect php.ini configuration per-domain on multi-domain IIS 8.5 with Plesk

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Looking for email to web service api (e.g. push email inbox to webapp)

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How and where exactly does the default email client gets set in the registry?

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reaching Gmail SMTP daily limit

In one of my Rails applications I'm sending emails through the Gmail SMTP server and everything just works, mails are not going to spam and so on ... But there's one thing that concerns me, the 500messages/day limit the SMTP has, currently I'm over…
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4 answers

Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 587; nested exception is: Connection timed out: connect

Here is the code of the application. I have been trying to run this using eclipse IDE. I also added all the required java mail jar files namely dsn.jar,imap.jar,mailapi.jar,pop3.jar,smtp.jar,mail.jar. But it gives the following error Could not…
zainab rizvi
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2 answers

Sendgrid: Send distinct mails to different recipients in one request

Tried using personalization with substitution like %body%. However, I get an error saying Substitutions are limited to 10000 bytes per personalization. Basically the whole body would differ recipient to recipient. Is there another efficient way to…
Shyamal Parikh
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Verified email not sending through Heroku/Mailgun

I have Rails app on Heroku. It has a custom domain, and I've tried to set up email sending through Mailgun. I've installed Mailgun as an add-on through Heroku, and I've gone through the steps Mailgun gives to "verify" my custom domain. If I run…
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AppleScript email with rich content on OSX 10.11 (El Capitan)

I am trying to send styled text email through AppleScript via default mail client. It seems new version of OSX is not able to recognise the HTML content set inside. Is there any workaround for 10.11 (El Capitan)? Solution is working pretty much fine…
1 answer

How to send mail via SMTP and get it by using Qt?

As I unserstand I should use QTcpSocket class in order to send a mail, and QTcpServer class in order to listen the connection and get the mail. But as I am a begginer in this area I need an example that demonstrates a simple transaction. Please give…
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Send an Email Using React.js + Express.js

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Neal Fultz
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1 answer

ASP.Net MVC background threads for email creation and sending

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