Questions tagged [email-bounces]

60 questions
1 answer

Mails sent from my domain goes into Spam

Using a product(email campaigning) i am sending email from my smtp server, that email goes into spam to the recipient. I had gone for IP reputation, something like checked for blacklisting resulted positively was not blacklisted. Can any one please…
1 answer

Header-variables in bounced emails: what points could have an effect if they are deleted or not?

We use BounceStudio in order to analyze the bounced emails for a newsletter-system. The headers are added like this: // Namespace System.Net.Mail MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.Headers.Add("X-BPS1", UserId); //…
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Rails Actionmailer - Find original header in bounceback

I've set up a forwarder through cpanel called '' which pipes to a runner (i.e., look up any tutorial on receiving emails through rails). This part works just fine - I can tell that the script is running because I've…
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No results from SendGrid email activity API

I'm using this documentation to try and receive bounce information from the SendGrid email activity API: But it returns no results,…
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How can I add email messages to my maildir so I can test my bounce processor?

My email accounts are setup to use the maildir format. I also have a 3rd party email processing API called BoogieTools. I want to simulate various types of bounce emails to verify the API handles them correctly. To do that, I would like to…
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Bounce Management - distinction of hardbounces and softbounces

I have to take care of the softbounce and hardbounce detection. My Problem is that, different providers send back different answers Example: Statuscode: 550 - 5.1.1 can mean that the mailbox is full or that the account does not exist. in case of…
1 answer

PHPMailer how to set bounce email address

i know there are plenty of guides, but i tried so many of them with no result. I also tried to reshuffle the parameters so sender goes before replyTo and vice versa, etc, but still. The idea is to appear to the recpient as it came from…
Jiri Zaloudek
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Can I make mailman archive the bounce messages it has processed?

I am really new to mailman so maybe I am just missing something obvious. However, as far as I understood, when a message sent from a list triggers a bounce at some user, mailman will try to automatically parse the bounce, assign appropriate bounce…
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How to handle mailer daemon responses with JavaMail API and exchange server?

We have a mailing service, where we send notifications to users. But when a user's email is invalid , the the server responds with a mailer daemon response or bounce mail. I want to catch these responses and log them into a database. Is this…
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how to automatically handle errors emails (unknown recipient) via postfix / linux server

I need to automatically manage emails not delivered by postfix if the email address is invalid. I use phpmailer to send emails, postfix runs on my debian server, and I would like to be able to store invalid emails to clean my different databases. I…
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Is there a better way to track hard bounces other than reading the body of an email?

So i have code which works by importing all the emails of my inbox. I then reads the body of an email looking for keywords and it then marks them as bounced. Is there a better way of doing that? I was looking through the email data items surely…
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3 answers

RegEx for parsing "Diagnostic-Code" in a bounced e-mail

I'm trying to read bounced e-mails by connecting via PHP to a IMAP account and fetching all e-mails. I'm looking to retrieve the "Diagnostic-Code" message for each e-mail and I wrote the following regex: /Diagnostic-Code:\s+?(.*)/i The message that…
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Can't delete MailGun bounces?

In the MailGun backend, I've noticed a "Not delivering to previously bounced address" error: This is probably because, at that time, the email address was not properly set up yet, but now it is. Therefore, I'd like to remove the address…
Kurt Peek
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1 answer

email bounceback tracking with personalized subjects?

How do you handle email bouncebacks with personalized subjects? We send bulk emails to thousands of clients daily. Currently we run a script that combs our inbox and places all emails with the same subject into various folders that match our SQL…
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2 answers

Detect keyboard mashed email addresses

We're trying to reduce our email bounce rate and often we get people mashing their keyboards. Here's a few example "email addresses" on our suppression…
Amy Neville
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