Questions tagged [elmah]

ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) is an application-wide error logging facility for ASP.NET that is completely pluggable.

ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) is an application-wide error logging facility that is completely pluggable. It can be dynamically added to a running ASP.NET web application, or even all ASP.NET web applications on a machine, without any need for re-compilation or re-deployment.

To learn more about ELMAH, see the MSDN article “Using HTTP Modules and Handlers to Create Pluggable ASP.NET Components” by Scott Mitchell and Atif Aziz.

Installing ELMAH can most easily be done using its NuGet package:

Install-Package elmah
953 questions
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Elmah Error: The context cannot be used while the model is being created

I am getting occasional ELMAH errors in my project that say this. However, the app seems to be working fine. Is there a way to set ELMAH to ignore this particular error?
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ElmahR doesnt load properly on IIS

I've been fiddeling around with ElmahR for the last two days and was planning to push it to our dev-playground for testing. However, it doesnt load properly when running on IIS 7.5 I've fired up the deployed solution on 3 different machines with IIS…
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MVC4 Elmah not logging remotely

I have a website which is working fine locally but not on remote server. Its a MVC4 and Elmah is configured for SQL Server. I can throw a simple error and see it on elmah locally in my iis (same code). Config are exactly same, SQL Server ...…
Edik Simonian
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using elmah logger with nuget installer and modifying web config

I used prevoius version of elmah in my mvc application and there I had to modify web config. For example I had to add this lines : .....
Babak Fakhriloo
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Elmah - Download Log Is Empty

I recently started using Elmah on our ASP.NET site and it's great however I've run into a problem. Although my log contains plenty of errors (220 to be exact) and I can view them with the web viewer and rss, when I click Donwload Log it simply…
George Mauer
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Elmah logs the same exception once for each HandleError attribute on a Controller Action

I am using ELMAH to log errors in my MVC3 project, using this HandleError attribute for expected exceptions. My problem occurs when there are multiple HandleError attributes on an action. Elmah emails and logs the same exception for every…
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MVC3 - Razor: On exception action calling the error handler twice

I am working on a MVC3 razor application. I have created a error Handling functionality to log the un-handled exceptions. As bellow: public class ErrorHandlingAttribute : HandleErrorAttribute { public override void OnException(ExceptionContext…
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3 answers

elmah with mvc 3 sql membership provider

It was really easy to install elmah with nuget and get it working right away. The challenge came in while trying to password protect the page. In the project I have, there is an Admin controller which I use mvc 3 sql membership provider which comes…
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ELMAH Everywhere - Silverlight 4

I have implemented code(Elmah Everywhere) to catch Unhandled exception in Silverlight-4 as given in following link I have also downloaded code sample form link but, I am not able to find the place…
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MVC Logging using Elmah, Log4Net and Health Monitoring

I recently found a 6 part article series on logging in MVC over at Darren's Blog ( It is a very good article on how to use Elmah, Log4Net, NLog, and Health Monitoring AND use a single UI to view and manage…
Ed DeGagne
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Error handling in MVC4 - IIS7.5

I am using the following code to redirect users to the Error Page in my mvc4 application and also using ELMAH to send error as E-mails: protected void Application_Error() { Exception lastException =…
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Elmah within a Web Farm

I've got a project that I'm working on that's going to be running on a Web Farm, we are also planning to use Elmah as our exception handler, we had a few custom requirements that I'm not sure are technically possible. We want each Server within the…
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.NET Exceptions: Does each exception type have its own message text?

We use ELMAH for our ASP.NET web app and I am stumped as to some of the exceptions we get. Some of these are: System.FormatException: Invalid length for a Base-64 char array. System.Web.HttpException: Unable to validate…
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Is it possible to change the user on an exception without having a user logged in?

I'm trying to add Elmah logging to a webservice. The user gets authenticated to confirm that they are a valid user, but then they're never truly logged in. Because of this, when an error is thrown and recorded by ELMAH, the username is always blank.…
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2 answers

Error CS 7036 when configuring Elmah on .net 5

I am migrating from .NET Core 2.2 to .NET 5 and I have a problem with Elmah configuration. I have this code and the problem is on SqlServerHealthCheck that is showing an error number CS7036: .AddElmahIoPublisher(options => { …
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