Questions tagged [eggdrop]

Eggdrop is an IRC robot that is scripted using Tcl.

Eggdrop is an IRC robot that is scripted using Tcl. It was created originally in 1993, and is still supported; the most recent release was version 1.6.20 on 23 Jul 2010.

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53 questions
1 answer

Eggdrop TCL Artificial Intelligence in a limited time

I want Eggdrop to respond to users who have joined the channel in the last 30 minutes. All other users who have been on the channel for more than 30 minutes should be ignored. set canalativo "#testes" bind pubm - "*regist*canal*" pub:regchan proc…
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1 answer

Issues with TCL encoding on Eggdrop

I have installed Eggdrop on a new Debian server with TCL8.5 and the latest version of eggdrop. Unfortunately there are issues with my script and the handling of special characters as é, J'aime, etc. An example might be best to show you: 13:41 <@me>…
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1 answer

tcl json output to channel and map/loop items?

Im trying to get output from a websocket to eggdrop tcl script.. the websocket part is working and i get output like this: { "action": "insert", "row": { "id": 7814727, "name":…
1 answer

Add utf-8 support to tcl

set botlisten(port) "3333" set botlisten(password) "123456" set botlisten(channel) "#chan" listen $botlisten(port) script botlisten proc botlisten {idx} { control $idx botlisten2 } proc botlisten2 {idx args} { global botlisten…
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1 answer

sort a foreach list to unix timestamp

I have this output from mysql and i want sort to the highst unix timestamp first. ctime variable is unix timestamp i have addet a secend foreach i $output { to my code bind pub "-|-" !grptop add:grptop proc add:grptop {nick host handle channel text}…
Mike Shiwa
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1 answer

TCL exec command errror

bind pub "-|-" !tests pub:tests proc pub:tests { nick host handle channel arg } { set size [ exec ls -l /home/archiv/pics/*.r* | wc -l ] putnow "PRIVMSG $channel :size $size" } I have this error [09:36:19] Tcl error: 0 ls: cannot access…
0 answers

AntiSpam tcl prevent sending bad data

The script in the moment working fine. The new goal is simple. To decrypt the cloacked host. Charybdis ircd has an option to mask hosts. Such an example here with cloacked host: [11:34:20] * BGChat13369 (~webirc@146.185.up.zu) has joined I need to…
1 answer

split http data json

I have a http query from here: how can I split this? I might for all vairbles , Title, Year, Rated, Genre, ... Language, imdbRating, imdbVotes etc.. bind pub - !imdb imdb proc imdb {…
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0 answers

Space before output Eggdrop/PHP

I have a problem with space before output with Eggdrop and PHP My eggdrop outputs the text just fine, but with a space before the text. Can someone please help me, to remove the space before! The PHP code function ircbot($messages) { $bot =…
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2 answers

cannot curl from tcl (eggdrop bot) after restart freebsd/freenas-jail

I am running a freenas jail environment that run a few eggdrop scripts. One of the scripts at some point executes the command (in tcl): set nfoc [exec curl -m 10 -s -f -k -3 --connect-timeout 3 -L "$url" -o "/tmp/$filename"] So it downloads a…
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2 answers

Read csv file and compare to today's date

I want to read the holiday.csv file and compare the dates in that file to today's date in order to determine if today is a holiday. Here is what I have thus far... file=holiday.csv date,holiday name,US Holiday ie: Dec 25,Christmas,US Holiday Jan…
1 answer

Batch rename log files from one time format to another

I'm looking for a way to batch rename almost 1,000 log files created by an Eggdrop bot. A few years ago, I had to setup my bot from scratch, and neglected to set the log format properly, so all of these files now have the…
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0 answers

Expect script to automate login to Eggdrop bot

I want to automate a login proces using a Expect script. The idea is that the Expect script will start telnet and login. I need this script for my C# client application that im developing. This will be the script: #!/usr/bin/expect set timeout…
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0 answers

Error loading Egg-Fu, crashes whilst starting Eggdrop

I'm trying to follow the LinuxFormat Guide to creating an IRC bot on the Raspberry Pi. I got everything working (Eggdrop and Hybrid loaded flawlessly), but when I tried to install Egg-Fu, I got this error: pi@raspberrypi ~/eggdrop $ ./eggdrop -m…
Nick L
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1 answer

TCL if inside if

I'm trying to make display the contents of a if statement only if the if inside which is it, is returning the desired value. However this doesn't work, so I guess it's not how you do it in TCL. Any advice would be appreciated. if {$firstq == 1}…