Questions tagged [editor]

This tag is for questions about the features and functionality of text editors, source code editors and other programs specifically designed for modifying plain text files used in computer programming. Questions asking us to recommend or find an editor are strictly off-topic.

A text editor is a type of program used for editing plain text files.

A source code editor is a text editor program designed specifically for editing source code of computer programs by programmers.


5878 questions
38 answers

Favorite (G)Vim plugins/scripts?

What are your favorite (G)Vim plugins/scripts?
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3 answers

Can I hex edit a file in Visual Studio?

I want to edit a binary file, but I don't want to use another tool other than Visual Studio because it's a pain to switch back and forth. Is there perhaps an add-in or some built in functionality that can do that in Visual Studio?
Kevin Driedger
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14 answers

How to paste in a new line with vim?

I often have to paste some stuff on a new line in vim. What I usually do is: op Which inserts a new line and puts me in insertion mode, than quits insertion mode, and finally pastes. Three keystrokes. Not very efficient. Any better ideas?
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15 answers

Android Studio Collapse definitions and methods

How can I collapse all definitions and methods within the Android Studio editor? Visual Studio has that option on Edit-->Outlining, but I cannot find a similar feature in Android Studio. I am sure that this feature exists. How can I access Android…
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9 answers

Syntax highlighting for Jade in Sublime Text 2?

I just started using Sublime Text 2 on Mac. I also just started using Jade for my views in Node.js, and am wondering if there is a way to add syntax highlighting for Jade into Sublime Text 2.
James Simpson
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2 answers

When editing Microsoft Office VBA, how can I disable the popup "Compile error" messages?

When you're editing a Microsoft Office VBA macro or function, you will often move your cursor from a line that you haven't finished. For example, to go copy something you want to paste into that line. But, if that partial line isn't syntactically…
Iain S
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25 answers

What Ruby IDE do you prefer?

I've been using Eclipse with RDT (not RadRails) a lot lately, and I'm quite happy with it, but I'm wondering if you guys know any decent alternatives. I know NetBeans also supports Ruby these days, but I'm not sure what it has to offer over…
  • 11,590
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  • 44
7 answers

Can you grab or delete between parentheses in vi/vim?

Given this line of code in C: printf("%3.0f\t%6.1f\n", fahr, ((5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32))); Is there a way to delete or yank from the first bold parenthesis to its matching parenthesis? I thought about df), but that only will get you to just after the…
  • 3,740
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8 answers

JavaScript editor within Eclipse

I'm looking for the best JavaScript editor available as an Eclipse plugin. I've been using Spket which is good. But, is there more better one?
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14 answers

Programming with white text on black background?

Does anyone program with white text against black background? I have heard some rumors that it is better for your eyes. What's the case? Is it any better than the traditional black on white? What are the pros and cons?
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4 answers

F12 Jump to method -> go back to previous method after making the jump?

I can jump to code if I click in a method name and hit F12. But, is there a keyboard short cut to jump back to the previous code editor location?
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6 answers

Lightweight SQL editor for Eclipse

Is there any simple SQL editor in Eclipse? Or do I need to find a simple SQL editor plugin for Eclipse? By simple I mean, the editor does NOT connect to any DB, does syntax highlighting and preferably formatting sql is a bonus.
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2 answers

How do I keep IntelliJ from closing my Editor Tabs automatically?

When opening more than 10 Editor Tabs, IntelliJ automatically closes my least used Tab each time I open a new Tab. How can I increase this limit? More recent IntelliJ settings are accessed differently than older versions.
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9 answers

Visual Studio Editor does not underline errors anymore

My Visual Studio (2008) Editor has stopped to underline Errors (this nifty wavy red lines). I can't really tell when, but it can be related to the installation of .Net Framework 3.5 SP 1 or the MVC Beta (which I guess is unlikely). Furthermore have…
  • 13,840
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  • 73
  • 106
8 answers

How to take off line numbers in Vi?

For displaying line numbers in a file, I use command: set numbers What is the command to clear line numbers from the file?
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