Questions tagged [ecmascript-next]

For questions about upcoming ECMAScript features that are not scheduled to be part of a specific version yet (anything that is a stage 3 or lower proposal).

Proposals for new ECMAScript features follow a specific process, where they go through the following stages:

  • Stage 0 (Strawman)
  • Stage 1 (Proposal): The committee expects to devote time to examining the problem space, solutions and cross-cutting concerns
  • Stage 2 (Draft): The committee expects the feature to be developed and eventually included in the standard
  • Stage 3 (Candidate): The solution is complete and no further work is possible without implementation experience, significant usage and external feedback.
  • Stage 4 (Finished): The addition will be included in the soonest practical standard revision

Proposals in stage 4 are definitely added to one of the next releases of the language specification. This tag is for questions about proposals in stage 0 - stage 3.

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379 questions
1 answer

how to use highstock in ecmascript?

here are an example of code that work, I create a graph import $ from 'jquery'; import Highcharts from 'highcharts'; class test { constructor(){ let chart = new Highcharts.chart('container', { chart: { …
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1 answer

assigning value to undefined and type of undefined in Javascript

In "non-strict" mode of javascript, We can assign value to undefined. I tried to assign it value but when I tried to print that value it's giving me strange results. let a = 10; undefined = 20; a = undefined; console.log(a); // undefined not…
Akshay Bande
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1 answer

JS: And if every function return "this" as a default value?

I have a code design question. Consider the following code: thatObj.doThis().setThat().add().update(); To allow chaining, I'm often writing return this;, and sometimes, here or there I forget to do it, then I got an error. In many cases, I'm not…
Joseph Merdrignac
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4 answers

transpiler battle: breaking out of nested function, with vs without throw

I have just finished writing "version 0" of my first (toy) transpiler. It works. It turns a string of "pseudo JavaScript" (JavaScript with an additional feature) into a string of runnable JavaScript. Now, I want to improve it. The work area possibly…
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