Questions tagged [echosign]

Questions about the API provided by Adobe Sign

Adobe Sign (formerly Adobe Document Cloud eSign services) APIs allow developers to build applications that integrate with Adobe Sign. You can use APIs from Adobe Sign to create custom applications for your teams, partners and customers. 40% of agreements in Adobe Sign are created using APIs.

For developer resources including API documentation and samples, please visit the Adobe Sign Developer Center. You can also post your Adobe Sign specific queries on the Developer Forum.

76 questions
3 answers

Is there a way to know when an echoSign document has been successfully signed in real time?

I'm still new at echoSign API and still at learning phase. I hit some roadblocks so I'm seeking for help. So I have a form, with a echosign document. Its actually an echosign widget. With the script(below) attached to the form document body.
Kenneth Palaganas
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1 answer

How does Adobe EchoSign work?

I want to use EchoSign as a third party software to sign the contracts that my app generates using itext. My app creates contracts, the way it works is the following: The app creates the contract using iText The app sends the contract to the…
Misael P
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0 answers

Using EchoSign API in

I'm trying to convert the sample C# code provided my echosign in for use within our applications. Specifically the SendDocument method. Has anyone out there done this already? The API is throwing back an error message "Fault:…
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1 answer

The format of value 'XXX.yyyyy' is invalid

I am trying to set up if-match header as following and making use of HttpClient available in System.Net.Http: client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); var adobeRequest = new…
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1 answer

AdobeSign: Getting Signing URL is returning NOT_FOUND response

I'm working on creating of test application for AdobeSign integration. When I'm trying the call in "try it" page (!/agreements/getSigningUrl), I'm getting the following response: Request…
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2 answers

PHP AdobeSign API :: transientDocuments with OAuth2.0

I am using PHP OAuth2.0 Adobesign API for sending pdf to user for e-signature purpose. I successfully generate auth token and refresh token by following basic OAuth2 steps. Now I am facing issue while trying to send pdf transientDocuments using curl…
1 answer

adobe echosine :create webhook from api gives response of INVALID_API_ACCESS_POINT

I am using version 6 for echosine api, I need to create webhook for get event from agreement. I am testing to create webhook from below url:!/webhooks/createWebhook here I have passed below…
hetal gohel
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1 answer

Create an agreement for two signers via Rest API

How can we create an agreement using a library document using a library document which will be singed by two signers? I know how to do the same using echo sign web application using this tutorial:…
1 answer

Adobe Echosign Integration In PHP/Laravel

I am developing a website where i need to integrate adobe echo sign in my Form. You may visit this link to check the form (Step 3). What i am trying to do is to let the renter enter his/her signature directly to my form and automatically create…
Romnick Susa
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1 answer

how could i send a document for signature based on rest calls

I am new to echo sign. I want to implement echo sign using REST API. my question is how could i send a document for signature based on rest calls. is there any sample code for sending documents via rest.
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1 answer

how to work arround authorization in echosign

I'm doing oauth in echo sign and have come across following steps. App makes a get request to echosign along with the return url. ex:…
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1 answer

Ecosign API Integration with YII2?

I need to integrate echosign api to my yii2 advance application. What is the folder structure for 3rd party API in YII2 ? Where can i maintain api files? What is the best practice for this?
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Put dynamic data in echosign document using merge data?

We have a use case where the we would like our clients to sign their contracts on our website. So we are going to create widgets and embed them in our webpages. The thing I'm struggling with is adding dynamic content into the documents using Merge…
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1 answer

EchoSign - Failed to execute 'write' on 'Document'?

I integrate the Adobe EchoSign on our website. But when i make a call with ajax for EchoSign to display the widget i get this error in console: Failed to execute 'write' on 'Document': It isn't possible to write into a document from an…
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1 answer

how to get the e-signed document from echosign using echosign api in php?

I am using echosign API in my website to send an agreement document to our clients. Once the client signed a document , the signed document will be mailed to admin and the client. We have to download the signed one manually from our mail or from…