Questions tagged [ecdsa]

In cryptography, the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm offers a variant of the Digital Signature Algorithm which uses elliptic curve cryptography.

Elliptic Curve Digital Signature is a variant of algorithms. It allows in some cases a smaller public key (for instance, 160 bit in ecdsa compared to 1024 bit in dsa for 80 but security level), and requires the two sides to agree on a curve's field and equation, as well as a prime order on the curve and a multiplicative of the order.

Wikipedia description of Elliptic Curve Digital Signature

522 questions
1 answer

EC Public key from public key bytes extracted from azure keyvault

how to get public key from bytes? for example, I have public key (generated with EC algorithm, curve "secp256r1") and its encoded bytes on java, How can I create public key from these bytes in c#?
1 answer

Bouncycastle ECDSA signature verification is OK after signing but fails at next run when reloading public key, message and signatue

I am testing a bouncy castle signature verification. Interestingly it verifies ok after the signing, but when running a new instance with the public key, message and signature if always fails. I am using the same verification routine right after…
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Get ethereum address from secpk256 public key not generated using geth crypto package

I have a public key that gets generated using the secpk256 curve, I am trying to determine the ethereum address of this public key. Basically I obtain the key as a simple string and then try to use geths crypto functions to get the public address of…
Khalil Claybon
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ECDSA How to convert the private and public byte to single Shared key in c#

I am trying to implement the ecdsa in C#. I am able to generate the key from ECKeyPairGenerator but I need to do in reverse. I already have the keys need to make a single key. Can anyone help me out in this? I write code in c#. public static…
Priyanka Kanse
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Decoding ECDSA fails with: Exception in thread "main" error decoding signature bytes

I'm trying to verify a ECDSA signature, using java, the key was created using golang: import ( "crypto/ecdsa" "crypto/elliptic" "crypto/rand" "crypto/x509" "encoding/pem" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "reflect" ) func doit(){ privateKey, _ :=…
Felipe Valdes
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Own random (not the private key) in the ECDSA

I'm trying to debug my own implementation of the ECDSA signature. To compare the intermediate results I would like to force the OpenSSL, Crypto++ or whatever else package to use a known "random" number instead of generating it each time the…
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Cannot verify signature using C-style function calls

The following prints FAIL and I cannot understand why: #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace CryptoPP; int main() { AutoSeededRandomPool…
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How to change the key length of ECDSA?

Recently, I was trying to do something with the code of ECDSA. I want to change the key length of it but in vain. I checked the internet and found some source code of ECDSA, but somehow it only allows 32 bytes. For example, I found…
1 answer

Does Domain Parameters in ECDSA are same?

In ECDSA, Signer and Verifier should have same a, b and G? such that y^2 = x^3 + ax + b, G is starting point.
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Unable to use ssh - public key issue

I am new to programming and am trying to ssh to my server as that may be needed later to edit code. My ~/.ssh/ is ssh-rsa…
Mike K
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Why do not use ECDSA with PSK in TLS?

I noticed that there are cipher suits,such as "RSA-PSK-AES256-GCM-SHA384","RSA-PSK-AES128-GCM-SHA256", in OpenSSL. But there is no cipher suits,such as "ECDSA-PSK-AES256-GCM-SHA384","ECDSA-PSK-AES128-GCM-SHA256". Both RSA and ECDSA can be used to…
1 answer

Generation ecdsa 32-byte private key in java/scala

is it possible to generate ecdsa 32-byte private key in java using KeyPairGenerator? I mean that keys.getPublic.getEncoded.length will return 32 I've tried to generate private key, but size is 144 bytes //keys.getPrivate.getEncoded.length - 144…
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