Questions tagged [ecdf]

Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function in statistics

For definition please see its Wikipedia page.

In software, a built-in function ecdf takes a vector of samples and generates its ECDF. It is also easy to produce it ourselves, as given in this example: How to derive an ecdf function?

131 questions
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How to find a linear regression of a ccdf graph in R

I have plotted a ccdf graph of some of my simulated power-law tail data and would like to find a best fit line from my ccdf graph. I used the code from the link ( and plotted my ccdf…
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How can I plot two cumulative distributions curve as line type in same plot

I want to plot cumulative distributions curve for Weibull distribution over empirical cumulative distribution curve. I have tried with this several times but it does not serve the way I want. Here is the…
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How do I plot the cdf curve as line type and overlay it with ecdf curve?

Can anybody tell how can I put the two cumulative distribution curve in a same plot? While executing this command: plot(x,pweibull(x,shape=1.120662,scale=18.496778),type="l",col=4) plot(ecdf(SIZEDIST$AVG.µm.),add=TRUE) the Weibull cdf curve is…
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1 answer

plot multiple cumulative percentage graph by groups

I have data looks like: zip ID count 230 B 12 230 A 10 230 C 9 230 D 5 270 C 10 270 A 9 270 B 8 290 C 9 290 A 8 290 B 6 zip and ID are factor and count is numeric.…
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qqline() equivalent for a normal probability plot of edf

I made a plot of an empirical distribution function (EDF) using plot.ecdf(x, ...). In order to visualize normality, I'm looking in r for a qqline equivalent to draw a simple diagonal line in my plot. The normplot() function in MATLAB is doing the…
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Plot explicit cdf over ecdf

I have some data and I just plotted the empirical cumulative distribution using Ecdf like this: Ecdf(data) Now, I tried to adjust the parameters (lambda, mu, sigma) for a mixture of two normals to this data, and now I would like to plot the cdf of…
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Highlight the outliers area in CDF plot

I am trying to highlight the area of the CDF in which the "outliers" fall in my visualization (perhaps a light red shading to differentiate the area). Can you assist with shading the area where the "outlier" points for as per the definition above?…
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Q: Can I specify the number of knots when using Ecdf or ecdf in R

When using ecdf() (or Ecdf ) in R, I get a number of knots equal to around 500. However, I need a number of knots that reflects the number of observations I have in the original dataset (in my case, 300). How can I adjust the number of knots in…
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Plotting reverse ecdf using ggplot2

I am trying to plot reverse ecdf (what="1-F" equivalent of Ecdf function in Hmisc) using ggplot. Here is the data: dat = data.frame(ID = rep(c(1001:1015),each=3), Month = rep(c("April", "July", "October")), Value =…
1 answer

Plot three graphs in one

I have three empirical distribution functions and I would like to plot these into one graph for an overview. The x label should say 'Bedienzeit (s) and I would like different colors and a legend. Unfortunately all I am trying, does not really work…
1 answer

Calculate statistical parameters (quantile and median) from a serie of ECDF with R

Edit: Okay, sorry i will try to be more clear, I have 50 scenarios (here i create it randomly), and i put it all of this scenarios in a matrix. After i can apply the ecdf function, that give me a list of 50 ecdf. And i want to calculate, from all…
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