Questions tagged [e4x]

E4X was an extension to ECMAScript which allowed for native handling of XML.

ECMAScript For XML (E4X) was an extension to ECMAScript which allowed use of XML literals, as well as accessors and filters for working with such XML. Its ability to allow embedding of JavaScript also was convenient for building XML-based templates.

Standardized in ECMA-357, it was supported in Mozilla's Spidermonkey and Rhino Javascript engines, and was included in the Firefox web browser between versions 1.5 and 20.

Warning: E4X is obsolete. It has been disabled by default for webpages (content) in Firefox 17, disabled by default for chrome in Firefox 20, and has been removed in Firefox 21. Use DOMParser/DOMSerializer or a non-native JXON algorithm instead.

More information can be found at

260 questions
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Flex: XMLList of attirubites.... convert to nodes?

say I have an xmllist like this (but with many other attributes not shown for brevity): and I access the metal attributes via xmllist.@metal which will give me a new…
JD Isaacks
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2 answers

How I can use EX4 with an attribute containing dash character?

Having this code var images:XML = How can i get attributes value with an e4x expression? Please note the dash "-"…
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E4X: Insert nodes in XMLList for missing date?

if I have an XML object like this:
JD Isaacks
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could not be able to get image from url and set to image view in flex

Any body help me I want to get image from yahoo weather rss and set the source of my flex component, I'm now able get other data from yahoo weather rss but still not able to get image please help me I have got other data in this way…
Arshad Ali
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How can I determine the position of an XML instance in an XMLList in ActionScript3?

What it says on the tin: I have an XMLList, and I want to find where in it a particular XML item falls. First index is good enough for my purposes. Note that I have no problem writing a function to do this by hand... but I was hoping that the API…
Chris R
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ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable is not defined when searching for a node by attribute

I've done this lot of times, but now I'm missing something.... I'm searching for a node by looking for a value in an attribute. If I try to trace:[activePageIndex].label.@priority The trace it's ok, and I can read High,…
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Use a String as an E4X Expression in AS3?

I need to use a string to access nodes and attributes in XML using E4X. It would be ideal to have this scenario (with XML already loaded): var myXML:XML =; var myStr:String = "appContent.bodyText.(@name == 'My Text')"; myXML.myStr =…
1 answer

Weird behavior with E4X filtering in Flash Builder 4.6

I am having a very weird behavior in my program, and after trying many things and searching here for a possible answer but without success, I decided I'll ask here as a new question. So here is my problem: I'm using describeType() so got an E4X XML…
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How do I remove a node with e4x based on a property?

I have a simple example var myXML:XML = I am a I am b ; I cant work out how I can programatically remove an element of a specific type delete…
Dale Fraser
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Can I just use e4x or do I need regex also?

I have some XML that needs to be manipulated into a string to render some instructions. The text looks like this
Dale Fraser
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5 answers

How can I detect the child element of a variable parent in E4X (Flex 3, specifically)?

I have XML that looks like this: type_elt is not an element name; it might be , or something else, determined at runtime. How, given this, can I…
Chris R
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1 answer

AS3: Using E4X double-colon operator with namespace stored in object

Given the following sample XML (here I am showing hard-coded, but normally I load from an external file): var myXML:XML = new XML('
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AS3 E4X get tag properties independent of tag capitalization

How can I retrieve the properties of an xml tag independent of whether the property name is written in capital letters or not? currently i do something like: myXML = new XML(...); if(myXML.@PROPERTYNAME.length()) // something with…
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2 answers

Why is CDATA needed and not working everywhere the same way?

In Firefox's and Chrome's consoles, this works (alerts script content): var script = document.createElement("script"); script.textContent = ( function test() { var a = 1; …
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1 answer

Dynamic E4X expressions

My last Q: E4X select Nodes where descendants can be either A OR B or A && B was concerning how to query for multiple attribute values in E4X expressions, which @Patrick answered with this: xml.Item.(descendants('ProductRange').(@id=="1" ||…
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