Questions tagged [dynamic-data]

Dynamic data denotes information that is asynchronously changed as further updates to the information become available.

966 questions
1 answer

Subscribing to a IObservableCollection (SourceList) containing another IObservableCollection

I have a SourceList of objects representing machines on a network and each machine itself has a SourceList of devices connected to that machine. I would like to flatten the list of devices across all machines into another SourceList, so that any…
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Python library to write unit tests for function that returns dynamic data

Let's say you have a function to retrieve data from the database. Since the data changes frequently and the output for function like "get the nearest log of the system log" will have different output each time you call it. How do you properly write…
Le D. Thang
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4 answers

Why Does This Pointer-Pointer Initialization Seg Fault?

I create a pointer-to-pointer of a class object and when I try to create a new object using the pointers it seg-faults. Why does this happen? struct Level { int SoldierCount; Soldier **soldier; int taskCount; int…
1 answer

How can I hook into the UI rendering "engine" of ASP.NET Dynamic Data?

I have decorated my model using Metadata classes attached to my model classes via the MetadataType attribute. I have some use the Range attribute, Required attribute, etc. and some custom attributes I have created. Now I want to hook into the…
Jason Bunting
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3 answers

how to change the data in HTML table dynamically

i hav a html tags stored in string and i want to load the table with the attributes which i given dynamically through program... how to search the particular tags of the row and column of html and add the data to the attributes... any help…
Linux world
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1 answer

Want to fetch data from database based on dropdown list selection using php

I have a php file and mysql database with fields named planname and price,and i want a dropdown list of all the planname from database and according to the planname the price of particular planname should be shown in text box below. Here is my php…
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2 answers

Android: convert a url sent from a server into a textview, such that on click on that textview the app opens that url in a browser window?

I'm recieving an url like "" from the server. I want to display a textview which says click here, on clicking it the url should open in a browser. how to take the url and make a textview link for it and on click open a website.
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1 answer

Send dynamic complex data from JSP to servlet

I need to send dynamic complex data (multiple values) from a JSP to a Servlet I'm working with work history, so the user can provide multiple previous jobs and each job has multiple data associated(company name, date, job title, among others). As…
Benjamin Jimenez
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2 answers

Wordpress post slider

So what I want to do is have a wordpress content area that will display the next post when a link is clicked. I have this as my post query
1 answer

Dynamic jQuery/MySQL dropdown menu

I'm trying to create a PHP booking system, where customers can go into the system, select a date/time from available slots in a calendar-like interface. I need to figure out a way to use jQuery or some other convention to pull the available time…
1 answer

In Dynamic-Data how do I get the results count of a DynamicFilter?

I have a Dynamic-Data application with a List.aspx main page listing data which can be filtered by country. The country table is used as a DynamicFilter as it is a foreignkey to the main table. When I choose a state the DynamicFilter_FilterChanged…
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1 answer

Pagination within a dynamic data

I would like to add pagination to a page that renders dynamic data. But I get the following erros when I click the page links(1,2,3, etc). I am fairly new to php, please assist. Notice: Undefined index: Jobid in C:\wamp\www\HR\HR_Applicants.php on…
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3 answers

get the id name in javascript which is placed under a loop

I have a php script where i have a textbox which is placed inside a while loop, So the textbox Id varies as follows. while{$i<10) { $i++; } Now in javascript i want to retrieve the value of that textbox …
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1 answer

How to design these two tables?

I want to build an application that allows a user to build its own form(s). A user can input data into its form and query the data too. The form can be edited after being created and used ( add/remove fields from it ). The form can have small…
1 answer

Dynamic Dropdown Displays Dynamic Content In a Div

I have an inventory list being stored in a MySQL database. I have a form that takes user input that updates stock changes, all on a table with an Item Name column with a dropdown full of items, and a (currently) blank # In Stock column. Here is the…
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